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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Ohhhh...that's a good ranking. Big Trouble in Little China is my favorite, but that's got a lot of nostalgia tied up in it for me (my uncle and I used to watch it together every summer when I was a kid). And I'd probably put They Live a bit higher and move The Thing down a bit. But otherwise, I think I'd probably agree with your list. My top five would be: Big Trouble In Little China Escape From New York Assault on Precinct 13 The Thing They Live It's funny how much harder it is to rank the top 5-7ish than basically the entire rest of the list. Like, when Carpenter is good, he's SO FUCKING GOOD. There's such a small increment in how much I like, say, They Live vs Escape from NY.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Ummm...it's erotic friend fiction.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Nice job on the theme! You made the old theme sound like something other than a mishmash of off-key nonsense (which, btw, I still love).
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    You're never too late to talk about John Carpenter
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    What's wrong with AoU, tayloranne? I don't think we've ever heard your thoughts on it... I see what you did there.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    That thing about Big Trouble in Little China and Buckaroo Banzai is a myth (that was largely propagated by faulty information on an imdb trivia page). Buckaroo Banzai's director rewrote the script for Big Trouble, but it never started as a sequel or really had any relation to Buckaroo Banzai. There's a lot more info here: http://legendsreveal...n-little-china/ And Cobra wasn't a ripoff so much as Stallone not seeing eye-to-eye with the studio about the direction of Beverly Hills Cop. He wanted a serious action film, and the studio wanted a less-expensive comedy, so he said, "Fuck it. I'll just go make my own movie." Edit: Also totally agree with just about everything said about Pretty in Pink on the last couple pages. Annie Potts is the only good part of that movie anyway (as we discussed in a previous thread).
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I'm so far behind on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. But this is exactly the motivation I need to catch up!
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Fair enough. I think the "Sorry I didn't want to read X pages before I posted" thing is what always sets me off with those kinds of things. We're having a discussion, and I think it's pretty rude to be like, "Oh, I can't be bothered to see what others have said over the course of the last week." But, yeah, it was a small aside, so no harm done, I guess. Sorry if I was a dick about it.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Fun fact: if you can't be bothered to read the conversation before taking part in it, you can also use the search bar in the top right. Or you can just throw a fit when someone calls you out for not bothering to check at all.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    With more than a little Dirty Dancing thrown into the mix.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I do hope the mini gets pushed back. Since this ep isn't actually coming out until Wednesday, doing a mini on Friday seems rather quick.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    According to HDTGM's Twitter account, we should get the ep by tomorrow midnight: But don't be sad, though! That's only 24 Teen Witch viewings away.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Exactly how many chairs did she have in her bedroom to start with?
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Or maybe he goes to the Forbidden Zone...
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I saw it last night. It's pretty good. I'm not big on horror, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I've been trying to hold off talking too much about the movie because I like to see what they touch on, but two things: 1. I really want Bob's Burgers to redo this movie now with Tina as the witch. 2. Isn't "I like boys" supposed to be a cheer? Like, right before she put the tape in, wasn't the one girl like, "Check out our new cheer" or something? What fucking event were they planning on cheering on with this routine?
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but...
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I think you might have meant to post in the 129.5 Minisode Thread. You should come join our convo
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Definitely agree! I really enjoy Serenity. It's a really great story, and the scene with Wash still makes me tear up. But I can't stand the show. It's just not that great, and while I can appreciate what they were trying to do with it, I found a lot of it really tedious. But I can't tell if that's because I got into it after having all the browncoats on the internet run every single joke into the ground for me first. So by the time I got around to seeing it, I knew all the beats and jokes and was pretty much like, "Meh" on the whole thing. I'll have to think about your other questions (preferably while I'm not pretending to be intent on a 100% pointless conference call). But I hope some others will jump in with their answers in the meantime because those are great questions!
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I've actually been thinking about this since you posted it. Since I haven't watched Teen Witch yet (but will tonight), I'll kind of dive into my thoughts about it. I always have this conflicted feeling that's rooted in my perception of things. Like, if I thought musicals were terrible, I'd probably be like, "Why do I like this thing that I know is inherently bad?" Obviously, I don't feel that way about musicals, as we've discussed in other threads. But I'd probably qualify it, too, and say something like, "I normally hate musicals, but this one is different, and you shouldn't write it off before checking it out." Or I might not mention it at all to people. Let's say that a band I can't stand came out with a song tomorrow that I really liked. I probably would jam it on my own, but I wouldn't tell people about it. That's not because I'm worried they are going to judge me, but more because I don't want to listen to them go, "Ewwww, Nickelback, really?" and then have to spend fifteen minutes explaining how, yeah, they're usually terrible, but this one song is an exception and they should really check it out, which I know will be a complete waste of breath because they're probably not going to. There's also sometimes a fandom issue. A good example of this is Deadpool. A recent article on Birth. Movies. Death. kind of sums up my feelings about Deadpool's fandom ("'So random', they said. 'Lulz', they said."). I like Deadpool, and I really enjoyed the movie, but I wouldn't ever consider myself a "Deadpool fan" because I can't stand their fandom as a whole (see also: Firefly/Whedon in general). There's just a large contingent of those fans that run that shit into the ground until it's almost not enjoyable anymore. It's not that I don't want other people to associate me with that fandom; it's that I don't want that fandom to think I'm one of them. (Which I realize is probably fucked up and kind of judgmentally dickish)
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I'm actually really looking forward to this movie. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I remember it was on ABC all the fucking time. The other one that I saw a bunch from the same time was Not Quite Human, which also starred Robyn Lively. What I'm saying is, I feel like I'm just going to have a Robyn Lively marathon this week.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    In related Hamilton/Earwolf news, Benny Schwaz just tweeted this: Also, it features the wonderful acting talents of Tone Loc.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Was this also your (and presumably Cameron's) reaction when Paul said he's been jamming out to the Hamilton soundtrack? I wonder quite a bit whether or not it would make a good HDTGM movie. It's batshit crazy, but it's kind of supposed to be. I feel like making fun of it would just be like, "Yeah, that's that's the point of it!" A couple of other random thoughts: When Paul was talking about the Funny or Die thing, he said something along the lines of, "Alf! It's got Alf. Alfred Molina." Question: Does Paul think that Alf and Alfred Molina are the the same person? Don't let goddamn Michael Bay anywhere near John Carpenter movies. Two of his classics have already been remade and were pretty shitty. They Live is in my top three Carpenter films, and it should be completely left alone because it is flawless.