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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I like how they focused on the other characters in this trailer. It's like they've finally realized that Supes is the most boring superhero ever. I'm not super pumped for this movie, but I love Giselle from Fast 5 and 6 as WW. I just wish it was in literally anyone but Snyder's hands.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I thought the humor and tone of the movie were great, but ultimately, I realized I'm fucking tired of the superhero origin story formula. No spoilers, but we don't really need the whole setup of how Deadpool became Deadpool; we really just want to see him being impossibly violent and rad. DP2 has already been greenlit, so I'm really hoping for more of that and less of everything else in the sequel. PS - I'm cool with us talking about it, but I'd ask that we keep anything spoilery (including quotes and such) inside spoiler tags since there are probably just as many of us that didn't get to see it yet.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    As long as we're now on the subject of TV edits, does anyone have any films they grew up watching only in the tv edited version and were surprised when they saw it as an adult? I grew up with a copy of Ghostbusters that my parents had recorded off of TV. I was a bit surprised that the line "It's true. This man is a rodent; I don't know which..." was actually "It's true. This man has no dick" when I bought the DVDs in my 20s. Also, the clip in the montage where a ghost unbuttons Ray's pants was obviously missing from the version I grew up on as well. Edit: EllenM, we miss you when you're gone, but it's acceptable as long as you return with a post like that every time.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I think my favorite was always the Die Hard movies because of the "Yippee Ki Yay" line. I only I remember exactly is that they changed a character's name in Die Hard 2 to "Mr Falcon" solely for the purpose of using the line, "Yippei Ki Yay, Mister Falcon." But the most baffling one is Casino. They changed the line "you Jew motherfucker, you" to "you Jew money-lover, you," which is arguably WAY more offensive than the original.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    Yeah, I realized that, like, five minutes after I wrote it. I've just seen Deadpool EVERYWHERE for the last couple weeks.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I'm seeing it tonight, but I'm mostly excited about the movie coming out so that maybe the Disney Marvel marketing machine will shut the fuck up soon. I was looking forward to the movie, but I'm kind of tired of seeing it everywhere. But then again, people said the same thing about Episode VII, and it never rubbed me the wrong way. So it's probably just a thing with me. (I'm also seeing Where to Invade Next, and I'm honestly a bit more excited for that, despite my conflicted feelings about Michael Moore) I would love that! Also, when BvS comes out, can we do Superman IV: The Quest for Peace?
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I had this exact revelation today. I really get excited with the prospect of an unknown movie.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    What can I say? I'm all out of faith.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    The number of times this song has come up in discussions I've been a part of over the last couple months is frankly a little disturbing.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I'm only hearing negative.....no no no!
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I guess I forgot to put my tinfoil hat on first, because that's some of the craziest shit I've ever heard.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    The fuck are you trying to say about Ace of Base?
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    It's okay. We can dub her. Or, if y'all don't want to go that route, we can put her in Shake's role. Or the landlady. Or Mr Topps. I really just want her in this movie, y'all. Aaaaahahahahahaha. This is the best fucking picture I've ever seen in my life.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    I'd be very interested to hear Cam Bert's thoughts on this, since he lives in Japan (Osaka, if I remember correctly?) and is our resident Japanese culture expert. Sinister, you say?
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    So, I might have dozed off a few times during the movie. I was really tired while I was watching it, and I think I just missed stuff like them repeating, "Hey, hey, hey BIM's on the way" about two million times. (I would doze off about halfway through a song and wake up, and it would still be on). So I don't have a ton to add to everything, except to say that I really wish this had had a bigger budget so they could have gotten a better known cast. Specifically, how great would this movie have been if Dandi and Pandi had been cast as David Lee Roth and Grace Jones? Actually, fuck it. Can we make that movie happen now? Who would be in y'all's dream cast? Edit: Also, a couple people mentioned it, but Paul being this episode's June and June reminding him of it several times was literally the best thing that has ever happened on HDTGM.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    It's in case you didn't get the oh-so-subtle metaphor of him as the devil. There are a couple other times (like during Boogalow's first song) where he appears in a similar devil form for single shots.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    Finally getting a chance to watch this. I thought I hated it, and then Boogalow started singing. Oh, and congratulations, Cameron!
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 129 - The Apple: LIVE!

    Man, I didn't get to see it yet, and I was sure the ep wasn't coming out today (even though they recorded it at the same time as the last movie). Alamo Drafthouse is doing a month-long Miyazaki retrospective, so I've been at the theater every night this week and haven't had a chance to see it. Guess I'll have to watch it when I get home!
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    That was honestly my second pick. I think it would lend itself to a really campy musical very well.
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    For the record, I would watch the SHIT out of a Karate Kid musical. Fast Five?
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I think musicals are something you either love or hate. I feel like I might have had this convo with someone in another thread not too long ago because they said that musicals just don't make sense to them. My parents love musicals, and I grew up watching them. Most of the Disney movies from my childhood were musicals, and there's this awesome theater in Fort Worth called Casa Manana that my parents used to take my sister and me to really frequently. When I was a kid, it still had a "theater-in-the-round" setup, so the audience sat around the stage, and the cast would enter through the aisles, and scenes would take place partly in the audience (they would often move off stage to do scenes so the crew could change sets on the stage). It was totally immersive and awesome, and they did musicals all summer. So, I never questioned the musical format until I was an adult. I don't understand the concept behind "if you stripped the music out of it" because the music is a way of telling story. Moulin Rouge is one of those movies that uses pop songs to do this very well (and Baz Luhrmann's gimmick has always been using non-traditional narrative elements). And I think it's a great musical for it - although I haven't seen it in about 10 years, so I don't know how well it holds up. Side note: I haven't seen Chicago because it just really didn't interest me, so it's just always been on my "yeah maybe one day" list.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I like the boards here, too. It's a standard forum layout. I think some people prefer reddit because it groups conversations, but my problem with that is that it default sorts by popularity, so the more upvotes your comment has, the higher it appears, and I feel like it becomes a series of comments geared just to get upvotes rather than actual conversations. There are other reasons I'm not a huge reddit fan, but I'll keep my curmudgeonly attitude to myself.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    Even with amazing lyrics like "WHOOOOAAAAAAA CRAZY APPLE"?
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

    Yeah, that was my line of thinking when I brought this up. I imagine the tarp was there to cut shooting costs. I can't imagine it had anything to do with child labor laws regarding a legal adult. And, if it did, at least my comments were probably too late for C&O, so Paul won't call me out yet again
  25. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

    A couple things I noticed while re-listening today: First, Paul said they had to work around child labor laws because of Diane Lane's age. But she was 18. Would child labor laws still count since she's legally an adult? Second, they mention the wrenches in Furious 7. Only Vin Diesel uses wrenches (it's been his weapon of choice for most of the series), and he does bring them along with him; they aren't "found wrenches." Statham actually tears off part of his fucking car after it's been wrecked to use as his weapons. Isn't that right, Dom?