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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

    I was kind of bummed about that, but Jessica St Clair is so wonderful. I vote for her as permanent June understudy.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

    Cameron, I thought of you when they were like, "I hope Rick Moranis gets lots of blowjobs."
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 128 - Streets of Fire: LIVE!

    They talked a bit about Willem Dafoe's gang and how they "stole" Diane Lane. My biggest takeaway from this is that they are super polite kidnappers. They walk in the door with a good 30 seconds left in her song, but they don't rush the stage immediately. They wait patiently in the back for Ellen Aim to finish her song, and THEN they go kidnap her. And the whole gang was all on board. Like, did they have a planning meeting for this where Raven said, "Look guys. We're gonna go steal this lady, but if we come in during the middle of a song, just play it cool. We don't want to interrupt. I mean, it's her homecoming show, after all." According to IMDb's trivia page, McCartney was actually offered the role of the kidnapped rock star, not the Tom Cody role. Also, not only did the cop call him a juvenile delinquent - as mentioned in the episode - but the dude that came in to bust up Reva's diner called him a "pretty boy." Did no one know what he looked like? Unless "pretty" means "having the most expressionless face known to man," it's not a word I would use to describe Michael Pare.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    Not to mention Bill Paxton as the bartender and Ed Begley, Jr. as the homeless guy that tells them where Diane Lane is. Also, there's an early appearance from Elizabeth Daily, who would play Dottie in Pee-wee's Big Adventure the following year and then voice Tommy Pickles on Rugrats in the 90s (which is probably the most well-known of her dozens of voice credits; she's an awesome voice actress).
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed. I thought this movie was going to be a musical and more rock opera-ish. The first act was thoroughly enjoyable, and I was like, "Oh, this is going to be a pretty good HDTGM movie." But after they get Diane Lane out of Torchie's, the movie turns to a snooze-fest.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    I've always been super hesitant to revisit that movie as an adult. I used to love it as a kid, but I feel like I'd hate it now.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    Annie. Potts. Like many kids of the 80s, Ghostbusters was a very formative movie for me. I know we were supposed to love Dana Barrett, but Janine Melnitz was always the one that I preferred.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    I unashamedly love that movie. The scene where Joan Cusack is asking him about the stolen books in his trunk is one of the dumbest things ever, but it cracks me up every time.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    Don't be one of those guys that comes in halfway through the conversation and completely misstates what everyone has been saying. I don't think anyone has said they shouldn't exist. It's more been about how they guide the conversation. They haven't gotten to the point of dictating the movie, but that's a valid concern. Using your analogy, this would be like the opening band choosing the set list for the headliner. There's also concern about Blake's oral histories guiding the conversation rather than supplementing it, which would be like the headlining band playing the opener's songs. I think those are fair concerns and things we can discuss. But just because we're not a fan of things, I don't think anyone here (at least none of the regulars) would be like, "IT CAN'T EXIST BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT!" I was, like, 30 before I realized that "the other side" was a play on words that meant either/both the other side of the road and/or death. And I think the wordplay is supposed to be the joke. It's just one of those jokes I'd heard repeated over and over in a bunch of stupid variations that I never really thought about what the original joke actually meant.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    That's a pretty good idea for a compromise on some of the points that have been brought up in this thread. I think they'd go down easier as a followup than as part of the discussion itself. Yeah, that's probably more accurate. I think they're fun movies - just not so often. And unless I'm miscounting, that's three out of ten movies starting with MotU. I don't even think they had that rate with Nic Cage movies when they were all pumped about him early on.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    This is kind of how I feel about all these Cannon films. There are a ton of bad movies out there; we've done several Cannon films. Can we move on yet?
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    Yeah, I was joking. He did it to me in the last minisode.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    I mean...it's not like Paul will call you out by name and tell you that you're wrong in the middle of a minisode or anything (even when you're pretty much still right). I think the best Blake Harris article was the one for Furious 7 about the couple that did stunts and how it was all a sort of family thing. I remember even tearing up a bit while reading that one. Overall, I could take or leave them, though. Unless it's something I really want to know more about (like the SW Holiday Special), I usually don't bother reading them because I'd rather listen to the crew and then engage in our discussion. The more the Blake Harris articles go on, the more I agree that they kind of feel like they fall outside of that discussion and sometimes feel shoehorned in.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    Ummm...I legit like the Lambert Beowfulf. At least it wasn't trying to pretend it was telling the story just so they could have a CGI half-nude Angelina Jolie. And I also have a soft spot for wacked-out genre films.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    Paul already said they're having a music-related guest this week, but I kind of wish it was Doug Benson so that we could hear him say "shithead" every time Willem Dafoe's name was mentioned. I guess I'll just have to settle for hearing Paul call him "William."
  17. The part in Emily's interview about the ET ride at Universal was hilarious. Then I went and found video of the ride, and I 100% understand being terrified of that shit. None of it is okay. (Skip to about 6:30 for ET saying "Goodbye" to everyone)
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    This sounds amazing. I don't think I'm going to get to watch it until the weekend (which is okay, since the ep is delayed), but that sentence alone has me on board.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    I don't think we should have to choose. We should totally be able to have both The Room with Shaq and Kazaam with Tommy Wiseau. Because I'm on board with either of those. (Also, I might be going to another screening of The Room w/ a Tommy Q&A beforehand on next weekend. It's the best shit ever)
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127.5 - Minisode 127.5

    As burned out as I am on terrible 80s movies, this one looks somewhat interesting (much more than The Apple, which is their other movie for this live show). This has a surprisingly well-known cast for such a ridiculous movie. During the trailer, I thought, "Hmm...this song sounds very Jim Steinman-esque." (For anyone that's not old, Steinman is best known for writing both Meat Loaf's and Bonnie Tyler's most well-known albums in the 70s and 80s) Turns out, Steinman was brought in to write the opening and closing songs after Springsteen changed his mind on them using his song "Streets of Fire." I was just impressed that Paul got your name right TWICE!
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    I really can't stand Jacob Sirof. He was on a few weeks ago with Greg Proops and Geoff Tate, and he was so obnoxious. I just always get the vibe that he's just contrary to anything moderately popular. The only reason I kept listening was because I wanted to hear Geoff take him to task, but it never happened. I'm glad to hear Paul did. I'm gonna have to listen this morning since there's no new minisode. Edit: HOW DID I FORGET THIS?! Edit 2: Doug just said "I apologize. You're more of an asshole than I thought." I could listen to them berate this douche all day.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    By the way, can we get back to Shaq gifs?
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    Robin Hood wasn't always a punchline. I remember a lot of people loving that movie when it came out (particularly my sister, who was totally in love with Christian Slater). It just hasn't held up well, particularly the racial elements and the fact that the Sheriff of Nottingham is super rapey. Oh, and Kevin Costner's accent is something else. And I couldn't agree more. There's some fun in totally bananas movies like The Room, but I'd like to see more enjoyable movies that aren't a total chore to sit through (which I think many of the Cannon films are).
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    I'd highly recommend giving Galaxy Quest another try. Just know that his character is supposed to be a totally narcissistic douche that's pretty much based on Shatner's public persona. I hadn't seen it all the way through until about a year ago when the Blu-Ray was on sale for, like, $5 on Amazon. It's pretty fantastic.
  25. FisterRoboto

    Episode 127 - Kazaam: LIVE!

    For the next movie, can we do, like, Quigley Down Under or Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves?