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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    My co-worker got a Sphero BB8 and brought it to work. I don't see how anyone can find it anything but adorable.
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Last one....maybe
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Is it the theory about
  4. FisterRoboto

    Best of 2015 Pt. 3

    Yeah, I remembered the thing about Is Y'all My Daddy right after I posted. He said in the first Best Of that it had just barely missed the countdown. Oh well. I personally didn't find Kid Detectives to be all that funny, but if plenty of others did...well, I guess that's why we vote
  5. FisterRoboto

    Best of 2015 Pt. 3

    It's during the intro theme, which they had also pointed out earlier in the ep. No one's ever said anything about the theme when it plays at the end. Paul's "SHOWING OFF FOR COMPANY" cracks me up every time.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Best of 2015 Pt. 3

    The funniest part of this episode was was the part at the end where PFT said "Be My Guest, Literally" was probably his favorite ep of the year. In the middle of all his crazy-ass ramblings, the dude ranting against Michael Abelson on the voting page kept saying how you could tell Paul was having a terrible time. Anyway, all four of these were solid eps. I think ApathyMonger is right about the top 3, except I think Is Y'all My Daddy? or the Womptacular might beat out Kid Detectives. Unless I'm an idiot and one of those was already in the list but I forgot because I listened to the first two parts on Christmas Day while I was drinking to drown out my family.
  7. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Now we should figure out why he pronounces Mario as "Marry-o."
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    That's one of my favorite Mr Show sketches, and I had never put those two things together until they played the ad during the episode.
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Now I want to see Cameron's game suggestion from the minisode thread become a reality, because these are amazing.
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    I've never been able to hear that as anything other than "HEY!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB2yRlqfDnM Also, the scene was allegedly dubbed, which would make it hard for an on-set gaffe to make it into the final film. But, with as many times as this movie has been fucked with over the years, who knows?
  11. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Leia's name is only pronounced once in A New Hope. Grand Moff Tarkin pronounces her name as "Lee-uh," but everyone else calls her "The Princess" or "Your Highness." It wasn't until Empire that she was referred to as "Lay-uh," and that's how she's referred to by everyone throughout the rest of the trilogy. With one exception. Lando calls her something approximating "Lie-uh" at one point. But that's Lando. He kind of does what he wants. That was Art Carney.
  12. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    And I kind of think this one is a better article. I usually like Blake's oral histories, but the SWHS one was basically just an oral history of the director and a couple paragraphs about the special.
  13. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    I had to go back and double-check, but you're right. Kenny Baker (dude inside R2-D2) is the only one who gets the slight on this one. IMDB lists Baker as having appeared in the special, but I don't know for sure if he was in it or not. Also, speaking of credits, this is only one of two times that James Earl Jones was credited as the voice of Darth Vader in the early Star Wars films, the other being Return of the Jedi. He was uncredited for both A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Ummm...are you saying Bo and Luke in the Millennium Falcon wouldn't have been amazing?
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    I'm surprised Gourley didn't say anything, but Luke is working on his X-Wing. Paul called it a TIE Fighter several times. TIE fighters are Imperial ships. Also, this was filmed well after Hamill's accident, which happened in January 1977, near the end of production on A New Hope. I think this is part of the reason they caked his whole face in makeup until he looked like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music. And one thing that stuck out to me that I thought the gang was going to hit upon was that before Itchy and Malla call Luke, Itchy goes to this computer. I think Paul mentioned that when they call Leia, it's all Xs and Os on the screen, but here, when Itchy is looking at the screen, all of the text is in English. They couldn't put subtitles on the Wookiees so you could tell what the fuck they were saying, but god forbid we don't know that the computer couldn't find the Millennium Falcon! Also, I mentioned this at the end of the minisode thread, so it might have gotten lost, but I want to know: was I the only one that was kind of creeped out by this line from Luke?
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    A cooking show featuring Harvey Korman in one of three different roles. The cooking show was cheesy, but it was better than the instructional video thing where he played a robot. I mentioned this in the minisode thread, but Life Day is actually supposed to be a stand-in for Thanksgiving. The special aired on November 17, and much of the intent of Life Day was similar to traditional harvest festivals, such as American Thanksgiving. Starting with Star Wars Galaxies, it was retconned into being more closely aligned with Christmas. However, the original intent was for it to be a Wookiee version of Thanksgiving, but since it wouldn't make sense for Wookiees to be celebrating an American holiday, Lucas changed it to Life Day in his original script. Despite all the changes the producers made to his script, that was one of the elements that made it to the final version. Unrelated note: I could not be happier that Matt Gourley is one of the guests. As I was watching this yesterday, I was thinking that Scott, PFT, or Matt Gourley would be perfect for this ep. Their Ewok conversation near the beginning of The Brochelor ep of CBB is something I keep going back to because it cracks me up every time.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 125.5 - Minisode 125.5

    Oh, it's 100% sexually aggressive. That's for sure. The scene with Itchy in the chair is definitely one of the worst, but even Luke is kind of creepy when he tells Malla: Pretty sure he's trying to bang Chewie's mom. (For real spoiler for Ep7 coming up) (Non-Ep7 spoiler)
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 125.5 - Minisode 125.5

    Haha. I was wondering if that was going to get lost in the thread by the time you got back. Ignoring the assertion that acknowledging any holiday besides Christmas is "PC bullshit," the main reason it's not Wookiee Christmas is because Life Day isn't meant to be Christmas. This special aired in mid-November, and Life Day was originally a stand-in for Thanksgiving. In more recent Star Wars-themed media (and mostly starting with the awful game Star Wars Galaxies), it has been retconned to be closer to Christmas. However, Life Day was originally more like a harvest festival or Thanksgiving than it was Christmas.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 125.5 - Minisode 125.5

    The Pogues one is definitely my favorite. However, I like the NUFAN one because I could be forced to only listen to anything Tony Sly for the rest of my life and be okay with it, and because it's one of the last good songs Cinder Block from Tilt appeared on before that band broke up. Not to be totally contrarian, but I really didn't like the Bad Religion Christmas album (even though I still love BR). It just felt like they sped up Christmas carols and didn't really add much to them. "Fairytale of NY" is my favorite Christmas song, but "Oi! to the World" (original version, not the No Doubt bullshit) is my second favorite:
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 125.5 - Minisode 125.5

    I like that. I think it's a fun game. Possibly a simpler version for Paul and Co would be just to have us give alternate elevator pitches for the movie we watched that week (something we do occasionally already). I think I like your idea better because it encourages participation in both the full ep and minisode threads. Maybe if the winner doesn't post a new title and actor, they could just do alternate pitches for the current movie or something so Paul doesn't have to come up with shit if people stop playing mid-game.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 125.5 - Minisode 125.5

    That might awaken some latent stuff in EllenM.
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 125 - Steel: LIVE!

    That sounds like something my parents would have told me. When I was 25.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 125.5 - Minisode 125.5

    Also, RiffTraxx did the Holiday Special a few years back. Not sure it's worth $10, but I heard it was pretty funny.