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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123.5 - MINISODE 123.5

    I feel like I should be embarrassed by my knowledge of this, but Kriss Kross was discovered in a mall in 1991 and put out their debut album the next year. ABC's first album came out in 1991, but they were around the East Coast hip hip scene before that, as evidenced by the name check in the 1991 (but recorded in 1990) Boyz II Men song "Motownphilly," which includes the lines "Boyz II Men, ABC, BBD [bel Biv Devoe] / the East Coast family."
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123.5 - MINISODE 123.5

    I didn't even have to think twice about that. This was one of my sister's favorite movies when we were in high school, and I always thought everything about it was so ridiculous. It's one of the first movies that made me realize that terrible movies could be so entertaining. They could do a whole episode solely on Matthew Lillard's performance. This was right after Penn Jillette had a monthly column in PC Computing magazine, so his appearance in this movie isn't as random and out of place as it might seem. Fun fact: he once ran a fake ad in PC Computing for April Fools' Day that had a ridiculous computer deal but was surrounded with a border that said "This is a joke." If anyone called the number in the ad, it would lead to a recorded message of Penn calling them stupid and generally berating them. A bunch of people thought it was real, and they called in for the deal. Allegedly, someone said they had sold their car to be able to buy the advertised computer and were going to sue them for false advertising. So, the next year, Penn ran an apology in his column that ended with, "It was an irresponsible, stupid joke. I think we all learned something." This was followed by full-page ad with an even more ridiculous deal.
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123.5 - MINISODE 123.5

    Everyone knows I've been bitching about 80s movies for a month or so now because I'm a bit burned out on that decade. In the back of my mind, I was REALLY hoping they'd move into the 90s, and they could not have picked a more 90s movie than this one. I'm so fucking pumped. I don't even know how many times I'm going to watch this between now and next Friday. Holy shit, you guys! I'm not sure who you're talking about, but she married Jonny Lee Miller (aka - Crash Override) the year after this movie came out.
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    reading before 900; Middle English reden, Old English rǣdan to counsel, read;cognate with Dutch raden, German raten, Old Norse rātha; akin to Sanskritrādhnoti (he) achieves
  5. FisterRoboto

    Electric Boogaloo - The Wild Story Of Cannon Films

    Electric Boogo is really awesome. And so is the Superman doc. I love bad/weird movie documentaries. There's another one that came out last year that I saw at a festival a couple months back. It's called "Remake, Remix, Rip-Off: About Copy Culture and Turkish Pop Cinema." It's all about 60s and 70s Turkish cinema and how they were creating films so fast and just recycling whatever was popular coming out of Hollywood. There's a REALLY great segment in it on "The Man Who Saved the World," which is also known as "Turkish Star Wars."
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    I didn't find anything about your image "offensive." However, many of us read these forums in semi-public places where we wouldn't necessarily want something that looks like a giant penis showing on our screen.
  7. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    Someone did mention it. Her name is Lennon Parham.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    Since this is the thing we're doing...
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    I didn't watch the movie again this week (and I also rarely take notes anymore unless something REALLY sticks out), but now I feel like I should just to solve Cameron's mystery. On an unrelated note, can we put spoiler tags around dick-shaped things? That'd be greeaaaat.
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

  11. FisterRoboto

    Guests I'd Love To Hear of HDTGM

    Tig's another one like Lauren Lapkus where I went, "Of course she's been on here!" and then thought about it for a second and realized she hadn't. She seems like she should have been on HDTGM already. And I'd love to have Ilana on, but we got Abbi already, and she's my total favorite. WAIT! COULD WE GET THEM BOTH THE NEXT TIME JUNE HAS TO BE OUT?!
  12. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    OMG! I LOVED that one. Choose your Own Adventure was totally my jam. I had this one in my collection, and it was one of my favorites. I gave them all to my next door neighbor when their son was about 7, and he loved them just as much as I did. But, can we talk about that vampire's space suit? I love how the other two look like they're in 80s-style spacey jumpsuits, but this dude is rolling in with khaki pants and an ugly sweatshirt (for those of you that weren't alive in the 80s, this is how EVERY sweatshirt looked in the 80s). I'd usually agree, but they were one of the first ticketing systems to recover during the Star Wars ticketing fiasco. That doesn't make up for them being generally shitty, but I was at least impressed by that. Yeah. There have been a couple. Over the summer, they were all over the place.
  13. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I think he's only in that episode.
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I love Jason, but I couldn't make it through that. I die a little every time I see anything from Community after season 2.
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I actually didn't see the Rambo movies until I was in my mid-20s, and I'm kind of glad it worked out that way. The first one is not what I expected at all. It's actually a really solid movie and isn't just the mindless murderfest that the sequels are (although I love 2 and 3 for their awfulness and almost exploitation-level violence). In fact, the body count is shockingly low for what's ostensibly an action movie. I really went into it expecting it to be silly, and even though there are some parts that are definitely silly - like basically anything Richard Crenna says - I was really surprised by how much I genuinely enjoyed the film. Also, UHF is such a great film (that has held up surprisingly well), and the Rambo parody in it is almost exactly what happens in parts of Rambo II.
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Hahaha. I was hoping y'all would pick up on that. Glad it wasn't just amusing to me.
  17. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    GO WATCH MALTESE FALCON NOW!!! (And then Last Crusade so you can say you've seen the good Indiana Jones movies) Yeah, I used to be that guy that would just be like, "OMGYOUHAVETOSEETHISRIGHTNOWHOLYSHITHOWHAVEYOUNOTSEENTHISMOVIE?!" But I started to realize how fucking annoying and pretentious it is. My friends know me as the movie nerd, so they'll often ask me about stuff, but I usually give suggestions and definitely avoid trying to cram it down people's throats. And when someone tries to do it to me, I'll often specifically avoid that movie (part of why it took me a year to see It Follows). The only thing I get really jazzed up about into a total raving lunatic is Sion Sono movies, but that's just because I want him to be bigger over here. If you haven't seen Why Don't You Play in Hell?, you should totally go check it out right now. Because it's amazing (as are Love Exposure, Cold Fish, and his latest one, Love & Peace). It's also streaming on Amazon Prime right now. He's one of the best filmmakers working at the moment, and I will preach Sono basically forever.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Maltese Falcon is my jam.
  19. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    There is nothing about Galaxy Quest that isn't perfect. Even George Takei lists it as one of the best Star Trek movies. It's definitely a rough one to get through the first time. It really doesn't matter which version you watch because the changes to each version really only matter to those who are fans of the movie already. It's just sooooooo slow in the beginning. It takes a good 30-40 minutes before shit actually starts to happen. All the opening shit with the Voight-Kampff test and everything is important, but it's not super-compelling, which is one of the movie's biggest stumbling blocks.
  20. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I'm guessing you didn't grow up watching any musicals? I was having a similar conversation with a friend recently, and I had grown up watching movie musicals like Mary Poppins and stuff. And my parents took my sister and me to go see stuff like Oklahoma, The King and I, and Brigadoon at this really awesome theater in our hometown. Because I grew up watching them, I really didn't think twice about huge musical numbers. He really hadn't seen many of them growing up, so he had a similar reaction as yours. What about, like, Disney cartoons? Is it easier to suspend disbelief when a talking lion sings a song with a meerkat and a warthog?
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I watched the shit out of Ghostbusters as a kid, too. Like you, my parents had taped it off TV; I still remember a lot of the mid-80s ads that were on the tape. I watched that movie sooo many times. But I just new the TV version, so when it came out on DVD, I was thoroughly surprised to learn that Ray Stantz gets a blowjob from a ghost. And, not to berate EllenM, but it's always fascinating to me to see what pieces of pop culture others didn't see until they were adults (or still haven't seen). On BTTF day, I was talking to a good friend who told me she had never seen any of those movies. I used to date someone who didn't see Star Wars until she was in her early 30s (and pretty much hated it). There are others that are staples of my childhood that I know others might not be familiar with. For example, Big Trouble in Little China is one of my all-time favorite movies, but I totally get it when people that aren't movie nerds say they haven't even heard of it. So, I guess I'm curious what pop culture holes you guys have. Are there any really big movies that y'all haven't seen? Or ones that you saw waaaay late in life? For me, it was Labyrinth. I still don't get the worship of that movie, but that might be because I saw it for the first time when I was 23. Despite being a huge Jim Henson fan, I had also never seen The Dark Crystal until around the same time. And The Dark Crystal is a much better movie. Maybe it's the songs from Labyrinth that make people love it so much? I don't know. What do you guys got?
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    That hurts my heart. But then again, she's been Dana Barrett to me for 30+ years.
  23. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    It always reminds me of the OCP logo from Robocop.
  24. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    The trailer discussion is one of my all-time favorite HDTGM moments. Story time! My friend got married earlier this year. He had moved away several years ago, and he met his wife while he was living in Seattle. Our schedules never worked out quite right when they came to Texas to visit, so I didn't meet her until the wedding. Due to her family basically screwing her over at the last minute, they ended up eloping. Chicago is one of their favorite cities, so we just went up there and had a vacation with a small group of our closest friends with a quick 15-minute ceremony during the middle of it. Anyway, we went to dinner and grabbed some drinks the night before they got married. We started talking about movies, and she said that she doesn't really like "movies with conflict" in them (whatever that means). After some prodding, she finally told me that her favorite movie was Blended. Naturally, I only knew of it because of Jason's fascination with the trailer. Literally no one else in our group had heard of it. So we ended up going back to their hotel room and watching this fucking movie. It's probably one of the few comedies I could see being on this show, but only if they change the name to "How Did This Get So Racist?" That was an EXCELLENT episode. I'm not a big fan of Kevin Smith, and I hadn't heard the story before. So when he started talking about the Superman movie and all of this other shit, it sounded like such a long, self-indulgent story that had no point to it. But when he got to the spider, it all clicked, and it was just incredible.