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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 379 — Realies and Fictionals

    Alia Shawkat mentioned that she couldn't imagine being in a movie where she has to be scared the whole time. But she just appeared in a film called Green Room that I saw at Fantastic Fest (a genre film festival here in Austin) last week where she does exactly that.
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 120 - Masters of the Universe

    There was also the dude that snuck a recorder into Star Wars in 1977: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2015/05/08/star_wars_audio_recording_from_1977_theater_what_it_sounded_like_when_people.html
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 120 - Masters of the Universe

    I was at a film festival all last week and busy either recovering from that/the bug I caught there or trying to get caught up at work, so I just got to listen to this today. So I'm a bit late popping into the thread (and unfortunately missed most of what Cameron and everyone were doing in the minisode thread). All I want to say is that Tatiana's laugh is where puppies come from. I noticed it a bit in her CBB episode, but it was on full display here. It's up there with Marc Evan Jackson's laugh in my book (which, by the way, is the cure for cancer). I loved everything about this ep. Tatiana is clearly an Earwolf fan and meshed right into this episode the same way she did with CBB. Having so many live episodes in a row really made me really appreciate having this studio episode. I feel like their dynamic really shines better in the studio, even though the live eps are so much higher energy. Oh, and I could listen to stories about Paul's awkward childhood all day.
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    This is closer to what I was trying to express earlier in the thread. I totally agree. Also, I think the novel The Shining is super boring and tedious, and I love the movie because it gets ride of all the bloated nonsense. Oh, and taylorannephoto: Goblet of Fire still sucks.
  5. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119.5 - MINISODE 119.5

    Did Traci Rearden tell you?
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119.5 - MINISODE 119.5

    To be fair, the toys actually came before the series by about 3 years. Mattel missed the boat on Star Wars toys and was looking for the next new thing. They basically decided that they wanted something really simple they could market to kids, so they came up with this generic "He-Man." Most of the mythology that wound up in the series was either written as part of their backstories (and were included with the toys as mini-comics) or came about as part of the DC mini-series. The cartoon was just another way to market their existing toy line, which ended up being a very common practice later in the 80s. I noticed that, too! It would probably be the quickest I know that someone has turned into a HDTGM All-Star.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Guests I'd Love To Hear of HDTGM

    They just recorded a DLM at Fantastic Fest today that had Kumail and Emily on it. Sooo....you've got that to look forward to.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    I finally got around to watching Grace and Frankie. It's really not my cup of tea, but I really just kept watching because June was so goddamn delightful in every scene she was in. Her character is the funniest one, and she plays her so well.
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119.5 - MINISODE 119.5

    Did you guys hear the ad for June's sister's show on Wolfpop (it was at the very end between the show and the "wolf dead" bit)? It seriously weirded me out. It was like listening to a Bizarro June. They sound so much alike, but just different enough to make it really discomforting for a minute.
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119.5 - MINISODE 119.5

    Yeah, I saw that movie a year ago at a festival, and it's awesome. I'll have to rewatch it for this.
  11. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    So, I'm volunteering at Fantastic Fest this week, which is the largest genre film festival in the US. It's primarily horror, sci-fi, and weird shit, and it's fucking awesome. This is the third year I've worked it, and it's always so much fun. Anyway, tonight was the opening night, and the theme is Turkish cinema. They have Turkish film posters lining the hall, and in light of our Shining/Nicholson convos, I wanted to share this with you guys:
  12. FisterRoboto

    Ask Paul!

    Doesn't Largo prohibit filming? I feel like that was something they mentioned in the Tig documentary on Netflix. I'd LOVE to see a live SPONT recording, though. I'm sure it's totally delightful.
  13. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    It is a common reaction, and as a fan of both the books and show Game of Thrones, I hear the complaining every week. And there are times I'm guilty of it, but it's usually when something that was really interesting in the book gets watered down and turned into something super boring (like the Sand Snakes from last season, to keep with the GoT example). But there are also plenty of great film adaptations that veer from the books considerably. The Harry Potter movies are usually my go-to example for this (not counting Goblet of Fire where they added in shit like a random, pointless dance lesson scene for no apparent reason). The Swedish version of Let the Right One In made some pretty interesting changes to the story, and it's one of my favorite vampire movies. There are several others, but my brain is fried at the moment, and I have to get back to work (and I hope y'all get the idea anyway). For the record, I can't stand that Dracula. Nosferatu (which was a completely unauthorized movie) is still probably the best Dracula film. Gary Oldman is probably the only redeeming factor of that adaptation. i don't even care for Hopkins in it. I also kind of feel like it was only as critically well-received as it was because it was Coppola. Oh, also, it's Ted "Theodore" Logan. Bill S Preston was the "Esquire."
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    This has always driven me crazy, and I know we've talked about The Shining a lot in this thread. But I know that the movie diverged greatly from the book and that the TV miniseries was a lot closer (I actually enjoy both). But, come on, you can be like, "They took it in a different direction than what I had anticipated, but it's still clearly a great film that is considered a modern horror classic by most critics," especially when your only effort at making a movie was pure garbage. I generally feel that people who dislike the film are the "BUT IN THE BOOK...!" people who can't stand anything being changed rather than trying to enjoy a film as its own piece of art.
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    I haven't read it since I was probably 10 or 11. I couldn't remember if it was good bad or awful bad. Alternately, you can click the Image button on the WSYWIG editor you type your response in (although I'm pretty sure it doesn't work if you're using a mobile device).
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    I do! I actually mentioned it briefly in the minisode thread because the short story was one of the first things I remember reading and thinking, "Man, this is really, really stupid"
  17. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    Beaton's Strong Female Characters and her Straw Feminists are two of my favorite things ever.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    Twilight Zone did that a LOT (not trying to explain why stuff is weird or fucked up; just letting it be weird and/or fucked up), and it's part of why it was awesome.
  19. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    So, I was thinking about this earlier today. I'm not really sure how to say this, so it's really going to be me more thinking "out loud" than anything else. Basically, I think there are two possibilities here. Either 1) he struggles with dialogue as many writers do, even those who write best-selling novels that are otherwise decently written (*cough* George RR Martin *cough*) Or: 2) he's spent so much of his time trying to hone this weirdo persona that he's forgotten how to behave like a normal person. Especially during the 80s and early 90s, most public appearances from him just seem like that kid in high school REALLY trying to be creepy but just ending up looking like they're trying to hard (for example, that "I have a heart of a young boy" line from the interview they played on this ep). I really never found him all that creepy, but I thought, like, Cameron said, he can tell good stories. I kind of wonder if he felt like that was a necessary public persona or something. If you look at him now, he certainly doesn't act like that, but he can be a creepy figure. For example, his guest spot on Sons of Anarchy was pretty awesome. Part of that might have been because he barely had any lines, but I don't know. What do you guys think? That's the alter ego Stephen King gets from drinking Cool Juice, right? It stifles his nerd genes and turns him into someone that looks exactly like him but dresses better and doesn't wear glasses.
  20. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 377 — Good Night In The Morning

    Listening through again, my favorite PFT tone is incredulity. Scott: Let's hear a little bit of it. PFT: Well, the song you probably know... Scott: Sure, but I'd still love to hear it. PFT: Would you REALLY? And also the runner about Scott being racist. PFT: What ethnicity is he? ... LL: White? PFT: Thank God, right Scott?
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    They do. Someone posted a screenshot of it earlier in this thread somewhere.
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 377 — Good Night In The Morning

    It's also one of my favorite things to hear in life.
  23. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    I agree. I hate that phrase, but mostly because I think of it as an old person's euphemism (as in, like, my grandparents' age). So it weirds me out when younger people say it. It's almost like it did ON THIS EXACT SAME PAGE. Jesus.