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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Going back to our comics conversation, Gail Simone is on a ROLL on Twitter today. Every comics fan should really go read it (@GailSimone). Without spoiling too much, she talked about how writers are so intent on getting their quips in that they forget basic storytelling techniques. She's such a badass.
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Is it bad that I kind of really want that lamp?
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    This was the best character in the movie.
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Possibly. I really just wanted to make the gif because I think it's fucking hilarious.
  5. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Here's him crashing: No molehill or anything. I just assumed the bike went nuts on him. Either that, or he's as shitty at riding bikes as their coach was at getting sodas.
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I might have been saving that gif for later... E: Actually, I was going to use the one with the explosion beforehand, but the only one I could find was super choppy, so I was going to make a new one. But you RUINED IT!
  7. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    For taylorannephoto: Cameron - really? Jake Lloyd? I expected better from our reigning champion.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    You got nothin'...
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Usually, they announce them on Twitter a couple weeks beforehand. I'm guessing if they haven't posted them yet, they might not have them, but it probably wouldn't hurt to tweet @HDTGM and ask if they know.
  10. FisterRoboto

    HDTGM movies and their RT scores

    See: me at 7 years old.
  11. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    And here we were getting along so well....
  12. FisterRoboto

    Guests I'd Love To Hear of HDTGM

    For some reason, I didn't see this thread until just now, and this made me sad Having grown up in Dallas and seeing his racist "satire" in the now defunct Dallas Times Herald (which ultimately led to his firing), I think it's best Briggs just stay in his relative obscurity. While we're at it, can Stephanie Allynne and Tig be on the same episode? They're great by themselves, but I absolutely adore them together. And, like someone else said, I can't believe Lapkus hasn't been on here yet. She's the best, and she has yet to either be on HDTGM or SPONT, which are the two shows I look forward to more than anything else on Earwolf.
  13. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Yeardley Smith's car never being affected was a big WTF to me. But also, what about the kid at the beginning at the baseball field. Doesn't his bike throw him off when he's run over by the steamroller? But the other kid's bike works just fine. And regarding the boat, they mentioned in the movie that they were looking for a sailboat, since it wouldn't have a motor. Then again, neither do bicycles. Or machine guns. I guess maybe they meant mechanical parts, but even the most rudimentary sailboat that could fit all of them would have some sort of mechanical parts to handle the sail and rudder.
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    But it's not just that their detractors are looking to ding them on things. There are plenty of people that really like the MCU but still feel like there needs to be more leading characters that aren't white dudes. They're making progress with Captain Marvel and Black Panther, but if that's all they do, then it just feels like they're giving token movies to say, "Look, we gave you a female character!" Now, their television is doing better with Agent Peggy Carter and the upcoming Jessica Jones. They are definitely making strides in the right direction, but pointing out marginalization of female/POC characters isn't just looking for something to complain about. There was a really great article on AV Club yesterday that explained this really well, comparing this to people that love Return of the Jedi but hate Ewoks: http://www.avclub.com/article/if-you-return-jedi-hate-ewoks-you-understand-femin-224765
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I agree that WB/DC could use more female-led films, but they could just use post-Dark Knight Trilogy films that aren't complete shit, too. Marvel gets flack for it because they're running the only actually successful comic book film franchise at the moment.
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    That first paragraph: Weren't we talking about something along these lines way earlier in this conversation? Like, OMG, how dare we have TWO female-led MCU movies! (For real, though, I'm kind of pumped about Captain Marvel. I do love me some Carol Danvers.) i think both of those titles are pretty accessible. Suicide Squad definitely is. It's completely from scratch and starts out with a really great Harley story arc. I seem to remember GL being pretty accessible, too, but I don't really remember offhand. There are a few things you need to know (like how Hal lost his ring), but I think they do a pretty good job of recapping those events and don't just expect you to know the whole story already.
  17. Being relatively new to Earwolf (I started listening around the beginning of the year), I have to ask: are all Wompler episodes like this? This was the first one I had heard and, next to Heynong Man, it's probably my favorite so far. If they're all like this, I need to go back and listen to them/start listening to Womp It Up.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Supes is really boring to me, but I can deal with him better in Justice League or when he crops up in other stories (especially Batman or Wonder Woman stories). While Marvel is definitely more consistent, for me, when DC is on, they're REALLY on. And the stuff I enjoy from DC I enjoy a lot more than the stuff I enjoy from Marvel (with this exception of really classic stuff like Claremont's X-Men). The current run of Suicide Squad is a great example. There have been a minor number of missteps, but overall, it's the comic I've looked forward to more than any other since the New 52 launch. The Batgirl run by Gail Simone was really good, but it got pretty "meh" after she left. As far as Geoff Johns' run on GL goes, Blackest Night was awesome, but I'd recommend only reading what he wrote (the Blackest Night title and the accompanying GL issues). With a few exceptions, I don't like reading a bunch of tie-ins to major event storylines because they're basically just trying to milk their cash cows, and they rarely make for great stories. But Johns did a great job with those two titles. Yeah. I already bought the next two volumes. Maybe that will last me until the weekend...
  19. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Welp, just finished Vol 1 of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye. Pretty great so far, but about 2/3 of the way through, I realized that he totally looks like a grown-up version of Hank Venture. It took a lot of focus not to hear his voice when I would read Clint's narration.
  20. I'm usually able to hold it together when I listen on the train. But when she started the singing while having a stroke, I couldn't control myself. And I had just gotten myself back together when she started again. Has Jessica Chaffin been on an episode with Sarah Burns yet? I have a feeling that would get so ridiculous so fast.
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    My first response to this is to wait about two more pages and then ask if anyone wants to start a comic book club. But honestly, I'll forget how funny that idea is to me right now by then.
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    This is the first post of yours I've noticed with the updated signature. That scene was so hilariously awkward. I really hope they talk about the kissing scenes between Emilio Estevez and Laura Harrington. They made me legit uncomfortable. Anyway, I would totally be down for that. There is an off-topic forum, but that wouldn't be just for our HDTGM regulars.