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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    He also then proceeded to call her a slut again on Conan. So, clearly -- lesson learned. Yeah, I didn't realize this was a whole new series. I thought it was just his run on an existing title. Much like my comics, I buy physical copies of books I really love. And there are certain authors that I will always buy in a physical book (although I own some in both formats because I don't really want to buy Slaughterhouse-Five a fourth time because it's falling apart again). But I used to have four full-sized bookshelves that were completely full, and I had to do something about it. Side note: if anyone has anything to actually say that's on topic, feel free to jump in. I honestly enjoy riding out these derails with you guys, so I'm happy to keep it going, but I understand if anyone wants to actually talk about the mini-ep or Maximum Overdrive.
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Never mind. Already bought it. I'm on the second page and already love it. Mostly because of this: AKA - how Hobbs and Elena should have looked after the first 10 minutes of Furious 7.
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Should I just start at the beginning of his run? Looks like My Life as a Weapon is the start of his run, and I could totally have that on my Kindle tonight (I know; I know....but I had to switch away from physical comic books except for a few really dear TPBs so I wouldn't end up on Hoarders). Is that the best place to start? Or would you recommend somewhere else?
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Yeah, but have you seen those Left Behind movies? I grew up in a very religious household (and my parents are still pretty big Southern Baptists). My mom made me watch the first Left Behind when it came out as what I can only assume was some kind of attempt at a cinematic intervention. Little did she know that she was just igniting the spark of my love for really, really shitty movies.
  5. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Ahhhhh....it's been a while since I listened to that episode, and I was having a hard time placing what he said about stupid people and Kathryn Bigelow. I was trying to figure out when he said people that liked Kathryn Bigelow were stupid, but this is a totally different statement, and I remember it now that you helped clarify. And I don't know if he was saying that people say exactly that, but there are a lot of people that will point to a token person whenever someone brings up diversity, whether it's about women, people of color, or GLBT actors/directors/whatever. And I think that was more his point than saying specifically that there were people out there saying "Kathryn Bigelow made it, so sexism in Hollywood is dead!"
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Confession: with the exception of a few titles, I've always been more of a DC guy (partly because Batman's been my jam since I was about 6 years old, and partly because I don't like a certain mustachioed former Marvel president that everyone seems to think is the fucking messiah). But now I feel like I need to go read the Matt Fraction Hawkeye stuff because y'all have made it sound pretty great.
  7. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I still listen to his stand-up because he's funny, but I've decided not to read most of what he says on social media. I think we've hit a point where we feel like we really have to like the artist himself/herself in order to appreciate the art. Those lines get even more blurred when it's something like comedy where, even when the artist is playing a persona, the art inevitably gets tied in with the artist. There are a lot of things I agree with Patton about, and there are a lot of things I disagree with him about, but I found I could easily enjoy his onstage material more when I ignored his offstage social media antics. Exception: Eugene Mirman. Everyone should be following him because he is a hilarious rabble-rouser.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Totally agree. But I actually liked the Hawkeye from the first movie. I just wanted them to give him something to do. We didn't need this whole secret family bullshit to do that. Also, I totally love Linda Cardellini, so I was excited when I heard she was in the movie. Then I was so totally disappointed in what they did with her.
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I had a really hard time hearing Estevez and Hingle's dialogue, especially in the early scene where Hingle wanted him to work off the clock. Estevez in particular had a bad case of the low-talking hero mumbles.
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    The biggest problem for me with Black Widow's character in AoU was that immediately followed Winter Soldier, which was the movie that finally turned her character into something other than "the hot chick with guns." Then they immediately were like, "Oh, well, back to being a walking vagina again, since that's clearly the only part of her that is useful!"
  11. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    It's actually Stephen King's favorite band, and he asked them to do the movie's soundtrack. It was released as their album Who Made Who. During the bridge scene at the beginning, the band is on a boat underneath the bridge.
  12. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Guys, everything about this movie is fucking bonkers. I can't imagine boiling it all down to a 90ish minute episode.
  13. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I'll go with Alien over Aliens. I think the latter is a great sci-fi/horror movie, but Alien is one of those movies that still creeps me out even though I've seen it dozens of times. Here are my top five: The Thing (the 1982 one) Alien Halloween The Babadook A Nightmare on Elm Street I'm a big pre-1990 John Carpenter fan, so I love the rest of the Apocalypse Trilogy, too.
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I'm not trying to hate on anyone. I'm actually a Stephen King fan; there's just a common through line that I was pointing out. Just because others do it more often doesn't invalidate that point. That said, I'm more of a fan of King's non-horror work. He's an excellent writer, but I prefer when he either explores outside of that genre or combines it with other genres (e.g., The Stand, The Dark Tower series, and the Mr Mercedes series).
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Sorry. I always get it mixed up with Carrie/From a Buick 8/The Mangler/half of the rest of his "horror" stuff. E: I meant Christine, but I'm going to keep my mistake up there and wear it like badge of honor.
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Oh, inanimate objects that are killing things because of demon possession? What a refreshingly original idea that you've totally not overused, Mr King!
  17. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Man, they should totally do Not Quite Human at some point and have PFT on to do the whole show as Alan Thicke.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    And it all starts with a father.
  19. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I almost fell off my bike at "I'm shit with emotional math." That was pretty amazing.
  20. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Hooray! The minisode thread is finally up! No, Paul, I haven't been a best commenter before. In fact, the only other minisode where my C/O got on was TMNT 2. Apparently, I can only make it onto movies I genuinely like (or that I worshiped as a kid). Also, go read the oral history for Furious 7. Like, everyone. Even if you didn't like the movie (which is basically impossible). It's an awesome story. I wanted it to be about 30 pages longer and just feature stories about Spiro just being like "Deal with it, bro" to all studio execs. Since they never put the link on the episode page for some reason, it's here: http://www.slashfilm...n-oral-history/ (I might have teared up at work while reading the part about Heather's most memorable stunt)
  21. Thank you! That's exactly what I was thinking of. Also, it's a testament to how great this show is that just the phrase "Sport Club" made me laugh every time someone said it.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Road House Remake!?

    I'm largely okay with this because I think Rousey is awesome. She really just needs some acting lessons. Also, Roadhouse is kind of not that great, so I'll at least enjoy her beating the shit out people. Well, clearly a woman's value lies solely in her looks.
  23. FisterRoboto

    What film got you into the podcast?

    I was a latecomer to the whole podcast thing. At Thanksgiving last year, my friend and I were talking, and he was completely incredulous that I had not listened to any of the CBB podcast. He made me listen to a few classic episodes, and I was pretty intrigued. Then I started looking around the rest of Earwolf and found HDTGM right about the time they were doing Tango and Cash near the beginning of the year. It quickly became my favorite podcast, and I look forward to it more than just about anything else in my sad, dire existence.
  24. FisterRoboto


    Would you be willing to pay more for current content that was ad-free? I'm pretty sure if you had that option, it would be about double the current cost.
  25. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Actually, I think Paul had this one wrong. My understanding was that Lautner was the one that wanted into the franchise, but the producers and James Wan said "No thanks." Washington was the only one actually offered the part before Russell.