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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    That was Sharknado 3. (Also, the fact she calls Paul that just confirms that she's the most adorable person on the planet)
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Will the first line of the movie be, "I don't know if someone else already said this, but..."
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    That's from the Jupiter Ascending episode. And it got mentioned, like, every other page in the thread for that ep.
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    If only someone had quoted someone else making the exact same joke on the same page he posted!
  5. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    That was probably me. As long as he didn't talk, I guess it would be okay. He can stand there slackjawed with Vin Diesel the whole time. But when he opens his mouth, he's so annoying. He's half the reason Tokyo Drift is so hard for me to get through.
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    You're right about everything but one minor point (that doesn't really affect your argument, but I feel compelled to correct anyway). Brian and Mia split up at the end of the first movie after Brian reveals he's a cop. They don't actually get back together until near the end of the fourth movie. During the second movie, he was trying to get with Evan Mendes for most of it. But that's the only other woman we ever see him pursue. Otherwise, you're totally right, and it's been Mia. He ate shitty tuna sandwiches for months to try to hook up with her; I don't really buy that he was out chasing a bunch of racer chicks.
  7. I agree with the other comments about the sound quality. I'm guessing he probably said something about it because A) Paul's a perfectionist and B ) there were two recent HDTGM episodes with really bad sound quality that was outside of their control, and a bunch of people bitched about it. On a different note, I seem to remember hearing on a recent podcast someone that I swear was Paul talking about how the conventional idea is that you shouldn't talk about your dreams, but the real problem is actually that people don't know WHICH dreams they should share. Was that a SPONT episode (I'm about 90% sure it was Paul, but he's all over the place podcast-wise, so I can't be sure it was this show)? Anyway, that's what I was thinking about during Kumail's dream talk. All of his dreams were fascinating and hilarious, and I could have listened to him talk about them for hours. I think the only letdown of this show was that Sarah Burns didn't "Sarah Burns!" after Paul said her name.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    It would still have a smaller cast than the next Expendables movie.
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Related to this: near the end of the movie, during the "Daddy's gotta go to work" scene, the main tv in the room shuts off when the satellite tower is destroyed. Inexplicably, he has a bedside tv as well (most hospitals usually have a big one mounted on the wall or one by the bedside, but not both), and that tv is still on: But what's Hobbs watching? Turns out, it's a play from a 1991 Univeristy of Miami game where a 19-year-old Dwayne Johnson sacks the Florida Seminoles quarterback.
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I really want Kurt Russell to come back in the next movie. And I feel like he would, but I also feel like he's about to blow up with The Hateful Eight, so I hope he doesn't get "too big for his britches" and is still down to do stuff like this (also, if he's the Nick Fury to the Fast and/or Furious team's Avengers, I'm 100% on board).
  11. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Pretty sure you mean "Deus ex Rock-ina.
  12. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Ummmm...you need to either tweet this to @HDTGM/@paulscheer/@MsJuneDiane or post it to their facebook wall. Because this is incredible. Stay a while and listen! There's also Deckard Cain from the Diablo series. I may or may not be in the middle of watching all seven movies over the weekend. I just watched Tokyo Drift, and I have to agree. I find it really tedious to get through. I don't know if it's because they're a bunch of annoying high school kids, if it's because (outside of Han) none of our familia is in it, or what, but it's by far my least favorite of the series. That said, 2 Fast 2 Furious is more fun than I remember. Roman is a lot more tolerable than in the later films, and the finale car/boat chase is pretty great. It does make me wonder, though, what happened to NOS? It was such a big thing in the first two movies, but they never use it in the later ones. Is this because they're less about racing and more just straight action movies? Or is it just not as big of a thing now as it was in the early 2000s?
  13. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I wish the last season of The League hadn't finished filming already. I think a Rafi/Dirty Randy episode where they battle in cars would be pretty amazing (even though a lot of other fans of The League don't seem to care for those episodes as much as I do). I really just want to see them do the chicken part and ram vehicles into each other.
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    There was also Vince, who was Dom's childhood friend. There was also a kid named Jesse, who was kind of the kid genius of the group. Paul Walker wasn't in the "family" yet, but the movie is about him trying to infiltrate the family to learn who is running a ring of street racers that were robbing trucks.
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Only if he lets me call him Snake and/or Jack Burton the whole time.
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Those are some pretty excellent points, Cam Bert. One thing to note from the rest of the franchise is that in the first movie, it really is more of a "family"-type atmosphere. Dom is definitely still the leader/father figure of the family, but the family consists of Dom, Mia, Letty, and a crew of street racers that they grew up with. Their activities are MUCH smaller in scale, and it really does seem like just a group of friends that grew up in the same neighborhood and are extremely close. By the fifth movie, thought, they just started letting anyone into the family, and most of the original other members have disappeared or are dead by Furious 7. Strangely enough, they don't hit the "family" thing as hard in the first movie when it actually feels like a family.
  17. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I actually didn't have one yet, but that's definitely one I needed to make. Here ya go: Another correction from the episode: during the "Daddy's gotta go to work" scene, Adam said that The Rock told his daughter that "Miranda" was going to be there in a few minutes. He clearly says Elena (aka - Brazilian cop lady that they clearly didn't know what to do with but aren't ready to kill off yet). On another note: are the larger gifs like this one causing anyone problems? I like them, but I know they might also cause page loading problems, especially if anyone is reading on a mobile device. These are fun to make/post, but if they're annoying or anything, I can resize them.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    At this rate, the budget for 8 will be more than the box office for the first movie.
  19. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    He also tells Cara in the fourth movie that he's never been farther east than the Atlantic. But even if he wasn't American, he's definitely not Japanese. The actor is Korean (and doesn't look Japanese at all), and the awful last name "Seoul-Oh" has a more Korean construct than any other nationality. But, honestly, I don't care because that whole bit between Jason and Adam about Dom stealing his body from his parents was totally hilarious. Edit: I mean Korean-American. He was born in the US, but his parents are from South Korea.
  20. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    All right guys. I really thought they were going to get to this when they talked about Letty's footwear at Race Wars, but they didn't. So it's up to me now. Remember how everyone went on and on about Bryce Dallas Howard's character running in heels in Jurrasic World? Well, that's some bullshit, because Letty and Ronda Rousey's character did a lot more than run in heels. Check this shit out: They seriously beat the shit out of each other all while in heels. But that brings me to another point. I get why Letty might have been wearing heels. She's trying to fit in, and even though they have some sort of physical altercation EVERYWHERE THEY FUCKING GO, she might not have expected to have gotten into a fight. But why the shit is Ronda Rousey wearing heels? She's supposed to be the badass bodyguard. Maybe she's supposed to be in the attire of the party, but still, I feel like heels were a bad choice. Also, right before this sequence, while Letty is fighting all the security people you see lain out around the room, Ronda Rousey is just mad-dogging her for, like, two minutes straight. Why the hell wouldn't she just be like, "Oh, I'm going to slip these things off before I beat your ass." Has no one in this production ever seen a fight between women at a club? What are the first two things that always go? Heels and earrings. Every. Goddamn. Time. And yet Rousey takes off neither before jumping into the fight.
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    How about Hobbs' repeatedly addressing the female characters as "Woman." I know he did it in 6, and they mentioned it in that ep, but somehow, it bothered me a lot more in this one. Nope. It has to be called Infuri8ed. I'm sticking by this.
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Really? I find it so hard to care about anyone but Han in that movie. When I saw Furious 7 in the theater, I was so worried that Lucas Black and his obnoxious Alabama accent was going to be joining the crew.
  23. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    The 8th movie HAS to start with them having to break Statham out of that jail and being forced to work with him, right? Whatever they're fighting (alien hordes, let's hope), he's going to be the only person able to help them.
  24. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Edit: Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a fat fingered idiot that hit the wrong button.