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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Those other two are completely different kinds of movies. I'd put Rogue Nation about halfway between Fury Road (which is a pretty non-ridiculous movie) and Furious 7 in terms of ridiculousness. But the F&F movies just lean into the ridiculousness and that's the fun of them. They're making solid action movies, but they're just turning them up higher and higher every time. And I think that's the fun in them. I unashamedly and unironically love 5-7 because they don't pretend to be anything more than what they are, which is just an excuse to have the familia drive cars and blow shit up.
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    It came out when I was about 14, and I tried to read it because I loved the first one so much, but I never got through it. Starting with the retcon that revived Ian Malcolm, it just left a pretty bad taste in my mouth.
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    I think it was still a relatively new and not widely accepted theory at the time. That's why there's the scene at the dig at the beginning of the first movie where Dr Grant is talking about them being more closely related to birds. Now, pretty much all Senior Dinosaurologists agree with the theory. At the time, it was becoming more widely accepted, but there was still debate about it. In Chrichton's book, they were definitely warm-blooded. I remember that being one of the first places where the theory was injected into pop culture.
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    That's impossible. This movie is flawless.
  5. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    That's a very recent theory, though, and wasn't the consensus when Theodore Rex was made.
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    You absolutely can. There's a bit of stuff about Letty that might not make sense, but you can still enjoy the movie. Once it gets going, it stands alone pretty well. I'm kind of bummed Paul didn't read Cameron's dino name, especially given how he repeatedly pronounced "DieFledermaus." It was a bold idea, Cameron; sorry it didn't pan out =\
  7. FisterRoboto

    Ask Paul!

    Doesn't he say "going into the future or returning to the present" for the vibe sound? I thought it was something like that, but I can't listen to double-check at the moment.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    Is this week's movie Furious 7?! When Paul said 137 minutes, I thought he meant that's how long the episode was for a minute, and I got super excited. Then I realized he was talking about the movie itself. Nope. They did 5 and 6, but they were too busy to do 7 when it hit the theaters. Now that it's had the digital release, they're releasing the episode because people can find it to watch it now.
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Probably someone somewhere along the way was like, "Maybe this kid shouldn't be trying to get his dad a fuck robot, but we should leave in the earlier scenes so we can still have that totally awesome street hockey tail scene."
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Same. I wasn't trying to be a dick. And I only posted my gif because Cameron did a Jason one, and cleanshaven Zouks is the funniest thing in the world to me.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Ask Paul!

    That sounds like fucking chaos. And it would be magnificent.
  12. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    That's your loss, man. I really enjoyed these. Of course, I would have preferred a better recording, but I got my ($0) money's worth.
  13. FisterRoboto


    I didn't want to make a big deal about not having an Android app. But, the site is not mobile friendly at all, so it makes it really hard to listen without an actual app. Here are the problems I've run into so far: The page is SUPER slow to load. I don't know if it's because you guys felt the need to have a graphic for every single show you've ever had directly on the homepage, if it's because of the image carousel, or if it's the scripts you have running, but this page loads so slow. And if you scroll, good luck. The page might go blank and you have to wait for it to reload. The site hangs while logging in. I'm at home on Wi-Fi, so I shouldn't be having any problems, but it just took my phone three minutes from the time I hit the log in button until the page loaded with me logged in. Choosing one show takes me to a random other show. I think this is related to the scrolling issue in the first point. I try to select Superego: Forgotten Classics, and I either get Psychic Show or Good Question (the two shows above it) I haven't even tried to play an episode yet. Who knows what fresh hell that will bring? I'm using an LG G3 running Android 5.0.1, and I've tried this in both the native Android Browser and Google Chrome for Android. It really feels like this site wasn't tested at all for mobile, even though the only solution for the 88% of smartphone users that don't use iPhones was to use the site in the browser. I guess after my trial is up, I'll be saving my money until you guys can at least get a site that works for the purpose you want it to.
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    I thought the same thing! I was like, "Ummm...that's basically cheating! What a piece of shit this dinosaur is!"
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 371 — You Got PreDICted!

    I thought that one was hilarious, too, especially just the weird thing that it slowly devolved into. Or maybe it's just that I love Wild Horses in general. That probably helps. On an unrelated note, do none of them really know that the Huey Lewis song Ray Parker, Jr. ripped off was "I Want a New Drug"?
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    I agree with you. That's how I heard it, too.
  17. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Except Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow was actually a decent movie. The effects were "meh" because it was one of the first fully CGI films and, as such, hasn't held up very well. (And I say that as someone who can't stand steam-/dieselpunk or overblown CGI)
  18. It's a thing we're doing. A certain mischievous forum dweller came up with it in the minisode thread for this week's HDTGM. So, check out that thread and then come play with us souprman!
  19. FisterRoboto

    Ask Paul!

    If you did it, would it be something in the heat of the moment? Where you'd be telling us what your heart meant?
  20. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Listening to the episode a second time, I caught something when they played the clip of the opening crawl. Here are the first ten words: Once upon a time in the future: -At midnight tomorrow... Okay. "Once upon a time" implies that this takes place in the past. But it's in the future. They're clearly trying to invoke a Star Wars kind of tone here. But then they jump to "At midnight tomorrow..." which implies that it's the present. WHEN THE FUCK DOES THIS MOVIE TAKE PLACE?
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    So, the more I think about it, the more the scene with getting the clothes for Teddy to go "undercover" really bothers me. And it's not just because he was playing racist caricatures or even that dimwitted Ella didn't seem to know what kind of clothing was appropriate for an undercover operation (I reject the theory that she was just fucking with him; they seemed to be good friends, so I'm assuming she was just as stupid as Teddy). What really bothers me is this: why the fuck did the police station clothing changer thing even have THOSE particular clothes? Like, how many times have they seriously needed ANY of those costumes?
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Every time they referred to Whoopi's character by her last name, it reminded me of the scene in Royal Tenenbaums where Royal asks Danny Glover if he was trying to steal his woman:
  23. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 370 — The Brochelor

    Come to the US South sometime, and we'll make you a convert. It's amazing.
  24. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    Betuel is also part of the companion oral history on Slash Film (which they didn't link in the episode description): http://www.slashfilm.com/theodore-rex/