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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 117 - Theodore Rex: LIVE!

    It's usually every other Friday, with a minisode on the Fridays in between. They got a bit off-schedule with the Sharknado episode and released an episode on the following Monday instead of Friday. Why wouldn't you expect one until next Friday? At the latest, I would have expected this on Monday, but I'm very happy to get it today instead. I can't imagine being upset that a show I like came out earlier than I had expected. Anyway, on to my correction. Was Teddy actually hired in PR? I thought when he was talking to Shaft during the museum dinner party thing, they said he was a "publicity hire" or something along those lines, which would mean he was hired simply for publicity but wasn't being given real police work.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    This lady is a "Head Dinosaurologist." That's a real thing that someone wrote, someone else approved, and then someone said out loud.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    Just started watching this. I was kind of hoping the long-haired guy they're following around from behind at the beginning in the black-and-white sequence was going to turn around and end up being Tommy Wiseau. I know this was almost a decade before he was a thing, but that would have made this my all-time favorite movie.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    Hahahahaha. That's almost just mean. I know how to say it and still stumble sometimes. Poor Paul would never get through it. So what I'm saying is....someone snatch that shit up!
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    I don't think mine's that hard to pronounce, but I went for one that worked with my username.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    100% down. I will think of a good one.
  7. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 370 — The Brochelor

    I totally didn't do this about every five minutes that I was listening.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 370 — The Brochelor

    Such a C+ episode. It took them 22 minutes to even get to the announcement because of all of the hilarious derailments. I could listen to PFT and Gourley bullshit for hours (and, thinking about it now, already have). Regarding Howl, I signed up for the trial because why not? I don't tend to go back and listen to old episodes because I can barely keep up with the new stuff I listen to on a weekly basis. That said, the new content on there is pretty awesome. I had Forgotten Classics on in the background at work today, and I listened to the Wild Horses episode with Laraine Newman. And they were excellent. People can be upset all they want, but I'm okay paying $5 a month for this.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    We have a couple of good ones here in Austin, but I'm too lazy to leave the house to go to them.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    Thanks for letting me know. That was going to be the determining factor in whether or not I spent money to watch it. Sounds like YT is the way to go. Or I could just not watch it and instead just watch Wien's descent into madness via this thread.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    Is everyone watching this on YouTube? Better yet, is anyone NOT watching it on YouTube? I wonder if the sound issue is just because the sound is shitty or if it's because the upload on YT is shitty.
  12. I love JV's laugh. When she and Marc Evan Jackson are on an episode together, their laughter basically cures cancer. Marc's is way less frequent, but so goddamn delightful. Also, JV can basically do anything if she includes a line like, "I like being disappointed by things out loud." Also, isn't Annie Savage's thing about taking your shoes off to avoid jetlag basically how Die Hard starts? I'd rather be tired than have to fight Hans Gruber. But that's just me.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    I will say that part makes me happy. I'm gonna pay my $5 and just leave the old eps of HDTGM playing for hours. YOU'RE WELCOME, PAUL.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    Paul even said it was a toss-up on whether or not we should watch this movie. I'll probably at least give it a try, but I have a tendency to get distracted with the kind of boring ones. For Runaway, I ended up having to rewatch about the last half of it because I ended up dicking around on the internet instead of watching robot spiders.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    Yeah, the fact that they had to promote it by how much it would help them market other releases was pretty fantastic.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    I see zero difference from the actual film here.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 116.5 - Minisode 116.5

    That's true, especially when they come on here to complain about a word that's actually a word instead of pointing out how the Total Recall quote from the minisode is not "Get me to Mars." But, honestly, I feel like the way Paul says stuff like that is half the fun of listening to him. Only if someone cuts up a JA trailer and adds in "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (Not Was), since that's the only one missing it. I wasn't super paying attention at that point and thought it was Bob Hoskins for a minute.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

  19. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    Something I thought of while listening to the episode but forgot until just now. I really actually liked Paul's interruptions into the show. It was almost like preemptive Corrections and Omissions. I know it was only because of the audio problems, but I thought it added a lot to the show. Or maybe that's just because I would hear Paul's studio voice and just be glad it wasn't another Bonobos ad.
  20. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 369 — The Hotwives of Las Vegas

    He's pretty well known as both. Several seasons on a major NBC series will make you pretty well known as a comedian.
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    It's called Zydeco. It's what you think of when someone says Cajun/Bayou music. I keep forgetting that exists. I'm adding it to my playlist right now to remember to listen on the way home. But yeah, he's totally approachable. He went outside to smoke a cigarette, and someone asked to take a picture with him. He of course said yes, and while they were posing for the picture, the lady was like, "I feel like I should know who you are, but I can't put my finger on it. I just wanted a picture for 10 minutes from now when I figure it out." He was totally sweet about it and when her friend was like, "THAT'S JOHNNY UTAH!" she started losing her shit.
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    Yeah, I should point out that I loved everything else except that part. It's a great movie. Also, I got to meet Keanu when he was at Fantastic Fest last year for the screening of John Wick. He's basically Ted "Theodore" Logan in real life, and I love him so much for that. After he introduced the movie, he walked out to the lobby and thanked all of the volunteers who help put on the festival (he goes pretty much every year). Just really the nicest guy in the world.
  23. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    I've always heard it as because they swam across the Rio Grande. Source: I'm a Texan and have a lot of racist relatives.
  24. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    It's a great action movie, but I hated that part so much. Like,
  25. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    Paul posts on Facebook on Thursdays asking for questions for the Q&A portion.