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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    I'm sure it will come organically, kind of like how we went for over two pages talking about The Joker/Suicide Squad at the end of the Runaway thread.
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    We did get PFT for two episodes in a row just a few months ago, though. But yes, I can always do with more PFT in my life. Anyone that hasn't listened to the Heynong Man CBB episode needs to go do it now. PFT + Zouks is the best.
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    I'm glad it's not just me, then. After I made my post this morning, I thought I was just being curmudgeonly, but I'm glad to see there are others that agree.
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    I want to bring up an omission from the omissions. This was my favorite post from the Runaway thread, and I can't believe they didn't use it on the show! (That was a first time poster, too.)
  5. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    I like the one from the 70s. I didn't really care for the remake, although Asylum did a mockbuster version called Mega Piranha that was pretty good if for no other reason than that it gave us this:
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    Yeah, as a bad movie lover, I don't care for them. I used to be a big fan of Asylum movies because they were just generally awful movies (go watch some of their "mockbusters" like AVH: Alien vs Hunter, Transmorphers, or The Terminators, and you'll see what I mean). But I feel like now they're just trying to make to intentionally make bad movies with the Sharknado franchise. The Mega Shark series was heading that way by the third one, too. I just can't get into it. The same goes for the Piranha movies (sorry, Paul). I'd much rather see something like Birdemic or The Room, where it's just some crazy dude that thinks he's making a real masterpiece. Intentionally making a shitty movie just doesn't really do it for me. That said, I'll still watch it because Paul is my evil overlord, and I will do whatever he tells me. On a completely different note, my vote for Nic Cage in Runaway would be to replace Gene Simmons. He would sell the mad scientist so fucking hard.
  7. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    At least he's not gonna pull a Stallone in Judge Dredd and refuse to wear the mask (which is how it looked when they showed the first publicity photos). But I totally cringed when he said, "We're some kind of Suicide Squad" in the trailer. If you put the name of your movie in dialogue in the trailer, I'm just going to assume the rest of your writing is shitty and sloppy, too.
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    Quick! Someone call Tom Selleck!
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    Joker is probably the biggest problem I have with Suicide Squad. He was in just a couple of issues right at the New 52 launch to set up Harley's backstory. That's two out of over 100 issues. As a DC fanboy, it's painful to watch them be so lazy and just fall back on Batman/Joker because they're too scared to actually try anything new. And that's part of why Marvel's Cinematic Universe is destroying DC's right now. They have to shoehorn Batman in to basically everything instead of giving their own characters time to grow organically. I really feel like they threw together Suicide Squad simply because Marvel killed it with Guardians (Suicide Squad was in development hell for five years until last September...right after Guardians destroyed at the box office). The problem is that they aren't confident with their writing or with the post-Dark Knight Trilogy world they are trying to create, so they have to go back to their Batcrutch to make it happen.
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    People keep saying this about Harley, but it's not really the case. They borrowed the hotpants/belt from the New 52 Harley (replacing her gunbelt with a ridiculous studded belt). Then they borrowed her hair from the Arkham. Everything else (i.e. - all the parts that look shitty) is a new design. The tattoos? New design. The ridiculous "Puddin" choker? New design. Basically everything else that looks like she went hogwild at Hot Topic? Totally new design. And it's awful. Joker is a somewhat mix of a few different Jokers. And I actually like most of what I've seen from him except for that fucking grill. They seem to have ditched the face tattoos after the backlash, so I'm largely okay with him....except for the fact that Joker has no business in a Suicide Squad movie.
  11. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    Well, guys, we've been found out. Guess we gotta eliminate sixgunbuddyguy.... Unless he can be bought in tacos.
  12. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    He still looks better than fucking Harley Cyrus.
  13. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    That episode was a couple months before I really got into HDTGM, so I didn't listen to most of the minisodes when I was going back and catching up on all the previous episodes. I really wish they could do more minisodes with all three of them. I know scheduling that would be a nightmare, since it's sometimes hard to get them all together for a regular episode. But that was totally delightful, and I love hearing them just talk about random shit.
  14. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    I love avocado, but I'd be interested to try it with mango. This place I used to go to before I moved to Austin had these lobster mango rolls which were basically the best thing ever. I'll have to go listen to that now! I didn't discover most of the food I love now (e.g., sushi, Mediterranean, Indian) until I was in my early 20s. Fortunately, I've always lived in Texas, so at least I was raised on good Tex-Mex.
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 362 — RomanTig

    And Tig played along with it so well. That was probably the best part of the episode. I could listen to a whole podcast where every episode was just Tig and Stephanie trying to tell a story while Scott constantly interrupts them with nonsense.
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    According to Wikipedia, California rolls became popular across the US in the 80s. But I don't remember sushi really blowing up until the late 90s/early 00s. But then again, that's also about the time I became an adult, and I had grown up in a household that wasn't very adventurous with any sort ethnic food. So maybe I just became more aware of it then. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_roll
  17. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 110 — The Island of Dr. Moreau

    Really? I loved it. Richard Stanley is crazy as hell.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    A Sailor Moon Dildo?
  19. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    Also, Westworld was 11 years before this movie. That's all I could think about how none of the robots were androids/cyborgs. Even though Crichton didn't have anything to do with it, Futureworld had also already come out by this point. I think he wanted the conflict to be man vs man instead of man vs machine (for those who haven't seen Westworld, picture Jurassic Park and replace dinosaurs with Yul Brynner as a killer android). Unfortunately, he seemed to forget that you have to have compelling characters for that conflict to work.
  20. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    I keep scrolling through the thread and thinking that Cameron's "riddle" starts with "A Sailor, A Man, A Dildo"...
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    Can we also talk about how totally unimpressive that laser gun is? I mean, all three Star Wars movies had already come out by this point, which had nice, thick blaster shots. Hell, even the phasers from the original Star Trek are more impressive than this shitty laser pointer.
  22. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    So, the robot with the revolver at the beginning has been brought up a few times (both in the forums and in the ep), but I want to bring something up that I mentioned in the minisode thread again. When Ramsay first goes into the bedroom, the door to the bathroom (where the robot is kickin' it) is closed. The door opening is what makes him drop to the floor right before the robot shoots. So, that means that not only does that clunky-ass claw have enough dexterity to hold and operate a firearm, it can also open a goddamn door and fire half a second later!
  23. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    I just listened to last week's bonus CBB episode. Jon Gabrus had a pretty good Runaway reference when Scott brought up Tom Selleck and his water issues (it's at about 1:03, but the whole setup starts at the hour mark. Y'know what, fuck it. Just listen to the whole episode. It's pretty great.)