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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 β€” Runaway

    This is part of a cut erotic dream sequence that Ramsay had, right?
  2. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 β€” Runaway

    Ramsay was afraid of heights? But they BARELY mention it in the movie!
  3. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 β€” Runaway

    I totally did not get any of that. Maybe I wasn't paying as much attention as I thought I was. This might be the best catch of this thread so far.
  4. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 β€” Runaway

    So, the explosive shell removal audio was one of the best parts of this episode (along with Rhea's assertion that this movie is 3 Men and a Baby with robots). But something I still don't understand about that scene is that when Selleck is about to take the shell out of her arm, he puts a kevlar vest on her. Why? If that thing explodes, she's not just going to lose her arm. She probably going to bleed out in a matter of seconds. Also, where did they get the shell to examine in the lab? Did I miss something there? The one Selleck removed exploded, so it shouldn't be completely in tact. If they found it somewhere else that I completely missed, why the fuck is the scientist dude cutting it open with a goddamn blowtorch? They have literally no idea what this thing is or how it works, so the first thing they do is put some fire on it.
  5. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 β€” Runaway

    I didn't think it was that weird, honestly. "Tem-plit" is the official SAE pronunciation, but colloquially, "tem-plate" is pretty common, too. Also, Paul making fun of other people's pronunciation....really? Anyway, one thing they touched on early on in the episode was Ramsay's backstory. There are a few things here that I kept waiting for them to make, but they never really did. Ramsay's story is that there was a dude he was chasing that went into a tall building. Ramsay gave up the chase, and that guy went on to murder a family. First off: did anyone ever catch this guy? Is he still on the lam? Presumably, he was caught and brought to justice, right? If so, then what makes his backstory any different than what happens in the movie? Almost everyone in this movie dies because of Ramsay and his partner. Not counting the mom that got stabbed in the beginning, let's look at the deaths in this movie: - Cameraman: Why the fuck did Selleck take this dude outside and arrest him? - Scientist guy: murdered by the heat-seeking gun after Ramsay chases the scientist. Both Ramsay and Penny were standing less than 10 ft from Gene Simmons. The scientist looks at Simmons, freaks out, and then takes off running. Selleck chases him down, but why didn't he go, "Hey Penny! That dude that just freaked him out is probably important. Fucking grab him!" Not to mention that Simmons must have started running after them immediately, too. She straight up ignores that and is like, "Oh, I'll go find a random alleyway to drive in because they're certain to run right through here!" - Two cops in the hotel room? (I thought it was an office building, but then there were weird suite things): Ramsay grabs Tits McGee and throws her out of the room, but Penny jumps in alone, thus giving Simmons the chance to react more quickly than he would have if they had raided his room from both sides at once. - Kirstie Alley (whose name, by the way, they all mispronounce all episode): They basically just throw her at him and are like, "We clearly have no plan for your safety. Bye, bitch!" - Sally: By this point, their incompetence keeping him on the street is enough to make them culpable for any other deaths. That said, they have to have known the tracker was somewhere in the bathroom and that he was probably setting a trap for them. Instead of looking the fuck around, they're just like, "Welp, I'm sure it's all good, right? See ya, Sally!" That's six people dead because Tom Selleck and his partner are shitty cops. But it's okay because he saved his son in the end! It just felt weird after his whole backstory was that the criminal that got away killed a family afterwards, but they let Gene Simmons get away multiple times in this movie, and literally no one acts the tiniest bit distraught over his body count.
  6. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 β€” Runaway

    That didn't occur to me, but that would have been a much better movie.
  7. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 114 β€” Runaway

    Didn't Paul say in the minisode that this week would be delayed? I totally didn't even check this morning because I was sure it wouldn't be on. Oh well. At least I have something to do at work today. Also, Caramel's fiancΓ©e is the guest this week. Awesome!
  8. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Chrichton clearly thought monotone was super scary. Oh, and the word "sucker."
  9. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Lando, when this ep goes live, if they don't mention that, PLEASE put it in the ep thread. I had no idea! That's some A-level HDTGM shit (and I would hate for someone else to take your glory for that discovery)!
  10. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Can we just rename this thread "Cameron H. vs taylorannephoto gif war"? I don't even care about the movie anymore...
  11. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    I was impressed by how it could open the fucking bathroom door while holding that revolver. I like how all of the police are totally cool with him walking past the barricades, though.
  12. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    I'm finally getting through this movie without falling asleep, and all I can say is: if Tom Selleck doesn't try to fuck Lois the robot by the end of it, I will be very surprised. He has hit on basically every woman in the movie so far.
  13. Leatherhead was the alligator's name. He was from the Everglades but had a Cajun accent for no apparent reason. That's fuckin' weird, man.
  14. I was waiting for the voice when Jen said "contraption." One of my favorite things on this show is when weird, long, rapid-fire jumps are made from one topic to the other, and then someone slams it all home at the end. And I don't think there's a better example than the gazebo discussion leading to the Soup Nazi leading to Rolf from Sound of Music leading to Eban playing "Sixteen Going on Seventeen," and then Paul spiking the ball with "We can only hope he was tried for war crimes."
  15. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    That's cool. Like what you like, dude. I'm not here to judge anyone for liking something I didn't. I do unashamedly and unironically love the Fast and Furious movies, and I totally have HDTGM to thank for that. I ended up taking a nap instead of watching Runaway earlier. I'm not sure if starting it at 1:30 AM is a good idea or not, but here goes...
  16. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    She was about the only person in that movie that I didn't feel should have died. For real. I was rooting for the dinosaurs from the moment those shitty kids showed up. Also, Pteranodons pretty much only ate fish. But that's probably the smallest problem I have with that movie.
  17. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    I'm pretty pumped for this movie, too. I know I've seen it because my mom (and basically every other woman in the 80s/early 90s) looooooved Tom Selleck, but I don't remember anything about it. I'm having my annual Independence Day viewing right now, but as soon as it's over, Runaway is up. I'm pretty sure Selleck's mustache holds some kind of anti-aging magic. He's actually five years older than Simmons, but he looks about 20 years younger now.
  18. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    "Here's the thing." I'm buying twice as many graphic tees as I already have just because Paul has shit on them in Bonobos ads for a couple weeks in a row now. Crichton had already done the movie Westworld, The First Great Train Robbery, and Coma (which was the film debut of the Selleck-stache), though, which were all huge financial and critical successes. Oh, and Paul called me "perfectly titled."
  19. As a comics nerd, I don't really care for Kevin Eastman, but that's a whole other discussion, and maybe I'm just projecting that.
  20. For anyone else who hates him- or herself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoXcDLikPLA For anyone that's curious but hasn't lost the will to live, it's basically Rock the Casbah but Rock the Halfshell + even shittier Turtle costumes. And I'm pretty sure they just grabbed a random girl off the street that fit into the yellow coveralls they had to be April. (And Kevin Eastman shows up at the very end to prove that there's nothing he won't whore himself out for)
  21. FisterRoboto

    EPISODE 359 β€” TofuPeople

    Agreed. I finally got to listen to this today and was screaming "tofuman!" on the way home waiting for them to come up with it. Also, "dragonface?" C'mon, guys. Scaleface, at least.
  22. Look at that set design. The only production I've ever seen with more gratuitous fans is Con Air.
  23. I'm just going to leave this here and then go kill myself: (P.S. - That April went on to do a ton of Broadway stuff and is actually a really accomplished musical actress.)
  24. Fuck. I just found out that Google Play has the whole album to stream if you subscribe (which I do). If this causes irreparable harm, I'm blaming Cameron for bringing it up...