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Posts posted by GregIanRiggs

  1. I didn't expect so much hate for Caramel? I find her pretty hilarious even if she does bring her personal take on things.

    Was there as much hate for the Shed Busting episode with Todd Glass?




    Esposito's presentation on CBB is basically the same as her public persona in general, or at least no more an elevated version of the same than any other comedian coming on Comedy Bang Bang, none of whom receive this kind of scrutiny or accusation of "laying it on thick," let alone comments implicitly accusing them of making up their sexual orientation as a bit.


    First, I will just say I think Caramel was really funny. I should have just said I was just kidding in the first place. I don't actually think she is making up some persona and I thought my original comment was silly enough to not be taken seriously.

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    So glad you came, lord-high-arbiter-of-how-people-are-allowed-to-present-their-identity. Fun how a gay man who is flamboyant in public gets praised for living their truth, but a lesbian who is at all "butch" is a "caricature." Go crawl back under your bridge.


    Cameron is presenting a caricature of lesbianism when she comes on CBB. She says things like "A woman would never hurt another woman" as an exaggeration of lesbian ideals. She doesn't actually believe this but exaggerates for comedy. Crazy!


    So now I will go "crawl back under my bridge" and you can get back on your high horse and ride away.

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