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Posts posted by JackChristensen

  1. from when jason said "those howdies look great june" i laughed my ass off the whole way through. one of my fav episodes ever. and that's saying alot.


    just a quick thanks to paul, june and jason for another year full of terrible movies and countless laughs. the world might be going to shit but HDTGM just keeps getting better. can't wait to see what 2017 has in store.


    and more thank you's to marissa, avaryl, nate and all the gang behind the scenes.


    Same for me. Thanks guys. Paul and June, I hope you have [or had, depending on when you read] a great holiday with your kids. Happy Holidays to all my fellow boardies. I know I'm new, but I already value our interactions.

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    I bailed on the 'Sleepaway Camp' episode. I hadn't (haven't) seen the movie and the unravelling of the plot discussion hurt my head. I lasted maybe 40 minutes. I guess the completist in me knows I should revisit.



    See the movie first. It's worth it. It's one of my favorite movies. A friend of mine actually put together the Blu Ray release for Scream Factory [and I mean, personally tracked down the original elements, did a new 4K scan, remixed the sound....]


    Wild, Wild, West. I think because it was the first episode I had heard; hard to beat the first time.


    They say you're always chasing that feeling you got the first time...

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  3. Something that I wish the movie mentioned is that Hedwig and Yitzhak were married. Hedwig met Yitzhak in Crotia, where he was a very talented drag queen. A bit too talented for Hedwig's ego. Yitzhak asked Hedwig to take him with her. Hedwig obliged, on the condition that Yitzhak never put on a wig, ie, give up performing as a drag queen. If this had been explained in the movie, I think the ending would've had more of an impact - when Hedwig gives the wig to Yitzhak.


    Oh man, I'm gonna cry. I never knew that.

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  4. I'm getting all emotional just reading these. I can't explain the deep connection I feel for this movie, except just to say that I do. Interesting fact: the final song Midnight Radio was written for the movie because the final song in the play was either copyrighted or just didn't have the necessary punch to end the movie [not going to look it up], but I think it's my favorite song in the movie. I agree with you guys about finding her other half. She found that she had he Good Stuff all along.

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  5. I've come to the conclusion that Dreamcatcher is my favorite episode. I can't even explain why, but I've listened to it six or seven times and it doesn't get old. There have been episodes for movies that I saw over and over again as a kid [bloodsport, Over the Top, No Holds Barred] that I've enjoyed a great deal, and truth be told I've only ever seen Dreamcatcher once back when it was a new release; and I thought it was TERRIBLE! I see that Netflix is adding Dreamcatcher next month and I suppose I'm going to have to watch it again and listen to the episode a few dozen more times. Anyone else? If you had to pick ONE, what is the perfect episode of HDTGM for you?

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  6. I confess, i didn't get a chance to rewatch it this weekend. I first discovered this musical through a friend who had the original cast recording on CD and I was blown away. So much so that I was actually skeptical when I heard they were making a movie until I heard that it was all of the original people who were doing the movie. This musical began life when John Cameron Mitchell (Hedwig) met Stephen Trask on an airplane. Eventually they would write the musical together, with Mitchell providing the characters and story, and Trask and his queer-punk band Cheater providing the music (and lyrics I believe). And though it is Cheater who appears in the film, the music heard is actually performed by Girls Against Boys.

    The Hedwig character is based on a prostitute who lived in the same trailer park as JCM, who was an Army brat. He used to hang out with her and she would tell him stories until a "date" would show up at the door and he would have to slip out the back. The song Wicked Little Town was written in Grinnell, Iowa (not far from me) while the New Yorker Trask was visiting a friend who taught at a college there.

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  7. Okay guys. Here's the rotation I've worked up so far:



    Cameron H


    Taylor Anne Photo

    Cakebug Tranch


    I just went in order of who said they were in first. Since this week is shorter than usual, let's just go with a movie that's very well-known and easily accessible: Hedwig and the Angry Inch!


    Judas Priestly recommended it, and even though I watched it very recently, I feel like it's a good one to start with because it's fucking fantastic. Is this cool with everyone?


    *gasp!* "Look what you've done..." I only just now saw this! This is actually a very emotional movie for me. Driving to a family holiday recently Midnight Radio came up on the iPod and my wife and I both almost cried.

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    I taught an adaptation theory class years ago and very foolishly picked The Phantom of the Opera (along with Romeo and Juliet and War Horse) as a case study, which meant we examined all versions of that thing for four weeks. Terrible mistake, particularly when you place that movie (Gerard Butler WHAT?) up alongside the rest of the versions of the story. My students were thrilled to move on to War Horse, and that's a puppet show based on a children's book.


    Far be it from me to argue with memories from being 13 though!


    Only musical versions? There were at least two horror movie versions. One by Dario Argento, one of my favorite directors whose lesser-films could be HDTGM episodes (but they seem to stay away from foreign flicks), and one starring Robert "Freddy Krueger" England which I haven't seen but I hear is a pretty good horror movie. [grade THAT run-on sentence, Prof!]

  9. I've seen people discuss this before but when it comes to Beauty and the Beast I find that to be a case of being overly sensitive about children's entertainment lol. The case of Stockholm Syndrome would have more ground if he were evil and then she still fell in love with him.


    Also I have an intense love of that movie so I will fight anyone who tries to take that away from me lol.


    I actually agree, but you guys know how things are these days. I think of myself as being very progressive, but I can't comment on ANYthing on social media without somebody taking issue.

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  10. Yes yes yes yes yes! Especially Beauty and the Beast!


    I feel like this one would be fertile ground for Week in Feminism. Looking back at it now, it can be seen as a woman who falls in love with her captor [stockholm Syndrome, if you will], or is this a case of being OVERLY sensitive about children's entertainment? At what point do we say, "This is a children's story, and needn't be held to the same standard as more nuanced entertainment meant to be enjoyed by adults."?

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