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Posts posted by Disgustipater

  1. I can't speak on a lot of the country but I've lived in several different states and the old school paper boxes are pretty rare in the states these days. Most places use plastic containers or aluminum like you said.


    I've only lived in the 3 west coast states, but every Chinese food place I've gotten take out from, or had delivered, was in those boxes. I didn't know it was done differently.

    • Like 1

  2. Jason and Paul complained that after Caine walks away, she repeats "I love dogs" like a space cadet as if she's convincing herself. I saw it more as reinforcing the "just your average girl" characterisation of JJ, by trying to give her that Bridget-Jones-esque adorkableness. I say "trying", more to acknowledge that some probably consider it ham fisted wheras I personally loved it.

    I saw it as her saying to herself, "'I love dogs?' What was I thinking? Stupid!"

    • Like 4

  3. -Not sure if this is a correction, but you guys kept calling them aliens, so maybe. The Abrasax kids were human, not aliens. Humans were a big part of that galactic civilization, they just seed planets like Earth with human material do they can be harvested.


    -Balem (Redmayne) hired those 3 cornfield bounty hunters. After the initial fertility clinic fight where Tatum sniffs the papers, the motorcycle chick says they need to tell Balem about Tatum. Then Feather-beard says he has a better idea, which is to take Jupiter to the sister in exchange for the youth goo.


    -The fact that Balem killed their mother wasn't supposed to be a big reveal at the end, was it? Because they telegraphed that pretty hard. This is how the chat between Jupiter and Kalique went in my living room:


    Kalique: My mother was murdered.

    ME: Obviously by Balem.

    Jupiter: Did they find out who did it?

    ME: BALEM!

    Kalique: Nope.

    ME: What?! Does she not even suspect the person with the single greatest motive in the worldto want her dead?


    -During the farmhouse raid, when Sean Bean realizes he's about to be shot by that high-tech air cannon, his resigned quip is, "Bee's wax."

    • Like 5


    Hah, I didn't even read the "for gen-manipulation" part, but was still quite puzzled because velcro is not the kind of thing you would be likely to receive a Nobel prize for. Not because it's not interesting, but there's simply no specific prize it would fit with. Physics or chemistry are both quite unlikely.


    But here's an idea, perhaps it's some sort of joke about gene splicing? the two sides of the double helix sort of join together like velcro... it's a stretch but there's plenty of craziness in this movie already.

    I immediately took his velcro answer to mean, "Mind your own damn business." There's no hidden meaning, it's just something you obviously wouldn't win a noble prize for.

  5. We don't get enough explanation as to who is, how he came to lead the War Boys cult or who actually is pulling his strings.

    Because it's not necessary. It doesn't matter how he came to power, because he's just another warlord of a warband. His story is fleshed out pretty well with what they do show, and it does make him intriguing character. Explaining all that stuff would make the movie worse.


    I know Miller wants to feature him in a prequel, but he could have beefed up the character details a lot here.

    There's a prequel comic that details his rise, if you are into that sort of thing.

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