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Everything posted by YoshiSama

  1. Hey guys! First I wanted to show the map of the National Mall: http://fnbcusa.com/uploads/gallery/20080213104820_1.jpg As you can see, Fin gets picked up by the Lincoln Memorial (which is like about 2 miles away from the White House), they drive him around DC, leaves the car when the car stops because of the protest, manages to get to the Washington Monument and then arrive at the other side of the White House. So if he would have gone from the Lincoln Memorial straight to the White House he would have arrived on time. Second, David Hasselhoff couldn't get back to the shuttle but had enough fuel in his jet pack to escape the Earth's gravity and reach the moon? I know you guys asked Neil DeGrasse Tyson but the answer is no is not possible, he would be lost in space. Third, when they arrived at the launch and Hasselhoff is talking to Michael Winslow about the shuttle and Fin argues with Gil in front of everyone about going into the shuttle but is not after Fin gets suited up and heading to the shuttle that April finds out that he's going to space because Nova tells her. Finally, I love the fact that it took a whole montage to get Fin suited up on his astronaut suit but less than ten seconds to get pregnant April suited up inside the space shuttle.