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About AlanJohnson

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  2. AlanJohnson


    Long time lurker, first time poster. First of all, I want to say how much I love Earwolf and, specifically, Hot Saucerman, who I've been listening to since 2009. You guys put out great work and I will probably pay for Howl, even though I have many misgivings that have been addressed earlier in this thread. However, I just wanted to say two things and ask two quick questions, as long as the floor is still open: I've always viewed comedians being paid for podcasting in the same way that I've viewed the UCB paying performers. UCB gives performers stage time and exposure, which can lead to paying gigs that jumpstart a career. In return, the performers get paid nothing and the theater makes a tiny profit. There was controvery about this, but I believe Besser said something along the lines of, "If you're headshot is not on the website and this isn't leading to paying work, maybe this is not the place for you to be." As Scotty can personally attest to, podcasts have so far worked in a very similar way, with people like PFT, Lapkus, Maron, Hardwick, and many more turning their podcast popularity into bigger career opportunities. I could be wrong (and please correct me if I am), but Midroll served as a way to break even for Earwolf and other networks and that should be enough. If a comedian could be doing something that would lead to better paying gigs, then they should stop podcasting. (As a sidenote, the paywall will definitely deter listeners, limiting the exposure of these extremely talented and deserving comedians.) My big fear with Howl is that this will lead to mass pirating of Earwolf shows, hurting the comedians this is trying to benefit. As much as I would love to see Weirder Scott's little butt sue Napster, this would truly be the worst outcome for all. Can we get a breakdown of where the 5 dollars go, preferably on an episode of Talkin' Bout Money? And I thought the announcement of Earwolf NYC was supposed to come with Howl. Any word on that? Also, please don't hate me Earwolf world. It takes all stars and stripes!