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Posts posted by PeteHummon

  1. Rocky IV is a brilliant idea for a HDTGM. Brilliant! Its got all the elements for a good roasting - Stallone, James Brown musical number, Ivan Drago's wife, the world's silliest training montage, that stupid robot... Man! Set this episode up now: :)


    This probably could create the first HDTGM episode where June becomes legitimately ill during the viewing and just refuses to go on air.



    Yeah, agree with you about this. Even as a kid starved for movies in the '80s, I wanted nothing to do with this movie. I would have been happier doing my homework or chewing glass than watch this movie. I don't mean to judge the book but the cover, but "GPK" just looked like it was out to insult and disgust its audience. Who wants to see that?

  3. I think this could be a bad movie because it has some questionable elements, but I love it and the fact that I sob uncontrollably whenever I watch it makes me think it might be amazing. It's not on a Zardoz level that's pretty obvious. I don't know. Interesting suggestion. I'd still love to hear them chat about it.


    Oh, side note - the music is stunning. No questionable Con-Air style guitar nonsense.



    Yeah - I agree on your comment about the musical score. The main theme is really well done. Great soundtrack.

  4. Yeeeeeeeah...! "Flash Gordon" is begging for the HDTGM treatment. If you saw it when you were six, you'll love it for life. I know Alex Ross (comic book artist) loooooves this movie for that reason.


    But for the rest of us, its pretty much a case study of super-bad moviemaking. I loves me sci-fi epics and Flash Gordon the character, but my head just wants to explode when I see this movie. Yowza...!

  5. Seriously, if I could single-handedly pick the next HDTGM subject, it would be “Van Helsing” in a heartbeat. VH is an explosion of bad writing, bad acting, bad design, bad moments… you name it, VH screws it up badly. SO badly!


    Consider: This movie is “1800’s James Bond meets Monster Mash, with a touch of Scooby-Doo.” It is a string of beyond-ludicrous action sequences, glued together with scenes of overbaked melodrama. I guess there’s a plot, but I kinda suspect it was added hastily in post-production. Every performance is TERRIBLE, although the guy who plays Dracula seems determined to sink the movie all on his own. If I had to pick the single worst thing in VH, I’d be stumped. The competition is positively overwhelming.


    Actually, I take that back – I CAN tell you what the single worst aspect of this movie is. VH is a terrible, terrible flick which thinks it is an awesome movie. When I watch it (an act that is a cross between indulging a guilty pleasure and self-abuse), I honestly get the feeling that the filmmakers thought they were giving the world an awesome, one-of-a-kind blockbuster. The gulf between their ambitions and their reach is mind-boggling.


    “Van Helsing” is a movie positively crying out, “How Did This Get Made???”
