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About BillPearis

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  1. Rags to riches story a la Citizen Kane about a carnival huckster who becomes the world's most famous mystic, but made as a vanity project by some guy named Craig Denney who directed and starred. Some compare to The Room but it is at times surprisingly well made but does have some of the same "I can't believe I'm watching this" wonder. Never boring but it is terrible in the best way. Never on home video it surfaced online a month ago. Super duper highly recommended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAC3V-HIFVA&t=1119s
  2. BillPearis

    Zandalee (1991)

    Another Bump on this amazing Zalman King extravaganza with Cage’s hair/accent being unparalleled. Free on Amazon Prime and Vudu right now.
  3. BillPearis

    Cellular (2004)

    This movie is not that bad, especially as far as HDTGM goes. The plot makes sense, it's lean (maybe too lean)...silly but fun and watchable.
  4. Dreamcatcher Baby Geniuses Can't Stop the Music The Apple ... and On Deadly Ground?
  5. BillPearis

    The Apple (1980)

    This, Can't Stop the Music, Dreamcatcher are all my top choices.