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Posts posted by beeface

  1. After hearing Hayes talk about not having sponsors (which I bet Boss Hoggerman demands), I think we should band together and boycott any company that doesn't currently sponsor Hollywood Handbook.


    now i'm no marketing whizz kid by any measure, but I would have thought that HH's good ads would actually mean that they had a better conversion rate than other pods. like personally I want to skip ads on pretty much every other podcast. so HH advertising is good. how do you donate money btw? the earwolf website donate button is a 404 error which makes me wonder if sachs is poisoning the well as a way of taking down HH.


    it would be nice if more eccentric millionaires like the video game lawyer (forget his name. phoenix wright?) advertised on the show

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    Can't wait to go to work today and watch all my coworkers face's glaze over as I tell them what I did this weekend and they say "What is a podcast?" SMDH.


    Wow. Looks really nice and you had a good time.


    But maybe if you could explain what a podcast is here first, just in case they look here in this thread first? I know what a podcast is.

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