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Posts posted by beeface

  1. i listened to this episode whilst walking the streets, earphones securely in my ear canals, clapping regularly and severely and saying "bravo, bravo" in response to the moments i enjoyed - which was all of it.


    what more can I say? I was tempted to post my highlights, but there were too many.


    one thing I am wondering though - do you think the boys are pissed at hannibal buress? pretty bold of him to come at hollywood handbook so directly with his own competing "hand" podcast


    Hey guys I know we joke around a bunch on here, but seriously, congrats beeface. You deserve it. 200 posts is nothing to sneeze at.


    thank you sweetie



    Beeface has made 200 posts, but do you think he's reached 200 posts read yet? Jk I kid, I kid


    wow, what a wild ride. i cried, then i laughed


    I initially listened to Jensen a number of years ago, and the first episode I heard was one where he told people to get up on a fella named Chief Keef. I remember the song was some shit that I don't like


    *concentrates extremely hard to understand the true meaning of this*

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  2. Listening to this episode on a plane this past Friday inspired me to go home and pull all of my comic strip compendiums out of storage. Should I be worried that I'm 23 and literally living in a basement apartment and now spending my free-time reminiscing over old comic strips? Probably. Should I be even more worried that the thought of Hollywood Handbook ending scares me more than the infinite amount of student loan debt I'm in? Some would say definitely. But I'm over here bussin' up and having a good time when everyone else is just judging me for how low I prioritize my own financial stability. And I wouldn't change that for the world.

    you sound fine, and normal. and you're still young. take it easy brotha

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