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Everything posted by SaraK

  1. I feel like I'll be watch this movie like this. (success!)
  2. I think that I've proven in the live viewing forum that I am technology challenged, so you weren't in the wrong
  3. I did! It kept telling me the file extension wasn't accepted!
  4. I tried to upload a gif and failed spectacularly. Here you go http://i.imgur.com/fEwZPnB.gif
  5. Ok so I ran out of time this weekend and was going to catch up tonight. I think after this, I'm going to pass this week. Gross.
  6. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    There's also a large staircase outside where Xtina saw the first dancer whom I assume was hanging out backstage? Like having a smoke break? So maybe the stage itself is in the basement and they build up to the 2nd floor (because there are balcony seats) and then back stage goes up two stories?
  7. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Har har. But actually today for some reason it's back to normal, so Old Dogs is up for me. No guarantees about the future, but I won't panic next time
  8. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Now that we know Kbell can sing (because of Frozen) I'm a little disappointed she never had a solo in this, ever. She kept sounding like she wanted to sing but Cher told her no
  9. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    I would watch an entire movie of David Walton and Stanley Tucci's relationship
  10. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Is David Walton the DJ at this wedding? Edit: I'm so far behind
  11. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Omg you don't just wear Louboutins around!
  12. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    I feel like this romance is like pseudo Stockholm. He only likes her because she always around all the damn time
  13. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Yeah I feel a little silly knowing that everyone is over there. Plus I know I'm behind because of my commercial breaks but I'll get it together for next time
  14. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    This movie might be better if Christina's character wasn't so goddamn annoying. How hard would it be to make her less whiny
  15. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    It's taken me til now to realize that Julianne Hough is in this
  16. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Umm... iPad? It's fine, they were like a minute.
  17. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Oh no I have commercial breaks. Oops
  18. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    KBell is in this ?! Love her
  19. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    So Christina's plan is steal money from the register, give it to her friend and then hang around for an hour? she's a terrible planner
  20. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    I will be posting here because I think I've illustrated that I'm terrible with technology. Sticking with what I know - streaming on Freeform and posting here.
  21. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    But lactaid brought her back
  22. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Lactose intolerant. I'd never survive as a vegan. I love burgers too much.
  23. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    That kid has anti charisma
  24. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Wine, ice cream (Ben and jerry has amazing non-dairy ice cream) and old episodes of Leverage
  25. SaraK

    HDTGM Classics vol 1 Burlesque

    Not intentionally. Just discovered none of my podcasts will play so it's definitely all me. Sorry for the panic!