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Everything posted by SaraK

  1. Ah I knew I recognized Maria from somewhere but couldn't place her. I must have missed the Legally Blonde credit when I was reading through her IMDB page.
  2. Fun fact - Did you guys know that the actor that played Ahmal (the boy that got most of the solos) is apparently a well known song writer and was in City High that had this earworm hit:
  3. My main question is Mr. Crisp's motivation. He figures out that Sister Mary Clarence is a fake, but doesn't want to call to remove the kids from the competition. So I assume he wants to go down to remove HER quietly, but let the kids perform. But once they're down there, he wants to take them out of the competition. What? You could have saved yourself a trip Mr. Crisp! Did he change his mind on the ride down? You risked your life letting Father Thomas drive you down there. (BTW Father Thomas is my favorite of the priests)
  4. I think the backflip onto the stage was on the fly, but there were three kids practicing moves when Father Maurice was running through the backstage area. I just think they didn't have any confidence that their 'fun' rendition would be better than the formal one. But I agree about the robes. I always think "what would think performance look like in robes" when I watch the end scene. And laugh that half the guys apparently were carrying their hats with them under their robes.
  5. It occurred to me that these movies are a true nundercover situation Also I’m hopped up on cold meds so when I thought of that, I laughed a little too much.
  6. Ok you guys have convinced me to go see it. Plus, I heard from some of my aerial friends (I practice Lyra and silks for fun) that those performances are pretty cool. Zac Efron is one of those actors I always enjoy but immediately forget about when he doesn’t have a current project. He’s so charismatic on screen but one of those ‘too good looking for a personality’ types. I hope this leads to less frat boy movies.
  7. Happy Holiday Season everyone! Hope you have fun NYE plans. I will not have any until mid day on the 31st. Also on Offbook they were joking about this movie at the end of this week's episode! Random.
  8. That's a bummer. I was really looking forward to it - and I've enjoyed the songs they released - but when the reviews came in, my mom and I decided to not go. Do you think its worth seeing in the theatres? Or can I wait til its released streaming and rent it at home?
  9. Ok, so I was thinking about this for the last few hours. I was all in favor of a Christmas movie, like A Muppets Christmas Carol or The Year Without A Santa Claus (which is my favorite Rankin/Bass movie). But as today has gone on, I have gotten Christmas-ed out. So! I decided to keep the religion and fun, but none of the holiday
  10. Oh it’s me?! I thought there was someone before me! Let me think and I’ll get back in a few, sorry!
  11. Jessica St Clair is a fantastic sub for June but I’m a little afraid she’s going to lose her mind before this tour is over. I don’t remember how many shows they’re doing but I imagine that’s a lot of bad movies making her nauseated very close together
  12. SaraK

    A Christmas Prince (2017)

    I did fast forward through a couple scenes. The scenes with the main girl and the sister were probably the best, which is weird for a rom-com.
  13. SaraK

    Episode 177.5 - Minisode 177.5

    That's pretty much how I felt. I don't expect to hear the CBB live ones but I expected the HDTGM one. Its not the end of the world, but I'm also too cheap to buy into another thing, so I'll never hear it. I've gotten super lazy with mine. I have OffBook and HDTGM as my 'have to listen ASAP' ones, and CBB and Spont are ones I listen to at work, but I've gotten busier lately and behind on the episodes.
  14. SaraK

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    Aw I liked Ella Enchanted. Pretty different from the book but cute. Anne carried that movie. That article made me sad.
  15. SaraK

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I thought the Anne thing was just over exposure - she was in a bunch of stuff at that time? Maybe? I don't know. I loved her in Lip Sync Battle when I think she won a lot of those haters back As for Ansel - I didn't see him in anything before this, so he was a blank slate for me. I think Matt's issue is that he's friends with the Affleck brothers and they've been accused of so many different form of harassment. I assume he's trying to be pro-women and pro-Affleck at the same time.
  16. SaraK

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    They spent a lot of time making sure we know that Baby is Good Guy. Except when he killed Jamie Foxx really brutally, but he was over the top Bad
  17. SaraK

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I wasn’t able to rewatch it this weekend, but I did see it in the theatre. I remember being a little disappointed only because I’m a pop culture junkie and read all the articles about it. I think I ruined it for myself - too much info about the technical details that I kept reallly focusing on and trying to notice. But also, I’m a terrible listener so It distracted me. Also I agree, not enough Jon Bernthal. All the Jon Hamm made me happy though
  18. SaraK

    A Christmas Prince (2017)

    I watched it, the ending is... abrupt. But I do like the main girl from iZombie
  19. Last night I had my annual viewing of 12 Dates of Christmas and was reminded that Sally, the step mom, is the best character in that movie. Her attitude with Amy Smart’s awfulness is just fantastic
  20. I'm excited to watch this again (I saw it in theatres) but also, just to warn you all, I have a massive crush on Jon Hamm so I feel like that'll mostly be what I'm talking about. Though I will tell you when I saw this with my dad, his review was 'that was very silly but Jamie Foxx was good'.
  21. SaraK

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    If they didn’t lump all supporting actors into the same category, I feel like she would have made it in. But I agree, I was really hoping they’d get a screenplay nod just because it was so personal. Fingers crossed for the Oscars since there’s two sections of screenplays.
  22. SaraK

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    I love that show! My top episodes are Airborne, My StepMother is an Alien, Bratz, and Escape from LA mostly for the guests on each of those.
  23. My flakey friend flaked! I'm in tonight! I may be a bit distracted because I'm prepping food for a party tomorrow, but I'll be 90% there.
  24. I thought puppy chow was only the peanut butter, chocolate and Chex mixed together with powdered sugar? I may be in tonight but it’ll be a game time decision, sorry! I have flakey friend plans