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Amy the Gorilla

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Posts posted by Amy the Gorilla

  1. Speaking of Silent Hill,

    I'd love to see the cinematic equivalent of P.T. I never played that game myself, (I'm way too much a of a chicken shit to play games like that, and I'm the kind of weirdo that enjoys watching people play games as much as I do playing them.) but just watching people play it was so creepy and unnerving. I can't help but feel like a lot of that was taken from what works in horror films.

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  2. Found what I believe is my first post, which was a day after I joined on March 3rd of this year. In the covenant thread.

    I swear there must be some time dilation going on, I feel like I've been a member longer than 3 months. So weird.


    This movie felt like it was going nowhere for the first 3/4 of the movie. If I hadn't seen the trailer beforehand, I would never have guessed anything was even going to happen. Also This was also around the time Underworld was popular, so I guess since Vampires and Werewolves were already covered, Witches were the next best thing...but not the yucky women kind.

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  3. Okay, since there's UK accent talk in this thread as well, I just have to say that I have a thing for the Scottish accent. Like, a lot.


    (But not Sean Connary's Scottish accent. for some reason when I hear him speak it's like the vocal equivalent of an asshole who doesn't know the meaning of personal space, who smells of booze and cigarettes and gives you a smack on the bum. Or is that just him in general?)



    Also There's a particular accent that I think is kinda cute, but I'm not exactly sure which part it comes from or what to call it other than the Sean Bean accent.

  4. Bring back Dragonheart. "The Boy Next Door" is giving me a headache.


    Also there was no year given, so I'm assuming it's the JLo bangs a 20-something playing a teenager "fuck you it's January" movie from 2015.


    P.S. I didn't revolt, I just said I liked it. The same way people said they loved Van Damme movies.

  5. 2. I Unironically love "Drgonheart" ... Dammit! haha! It's part of my childhood. It was also around the same time I started having crushes on villains in movies, and I had such a huge crush on David Thewlis. ^.^ His character is such a little shit.



    Started watching it again. ACK! I totally forgot that Jason Isaacs was in this!




    I believe I've stated my opinion on that man at least once before. Also I just remembered at some point in this movie he drops his pants. (kind of)



    • Like 1

  6. Movies based on video games (Or board/tabletop games) and video games based on movies seem to have the terrible symbiotic relationship where they are almost always terrible. I think the reason is that they don't take into account the medium that they are being taken from, and think it's okay to lift it wholesale from one medium and drop it into another and everything will work out great.


    The story in a video game works because it's part of the interactive narrative, which doesn't translate well into a passive viewing medium. On the other end, tacking random interactive "game" elements into the narrative of a story doesn't exactly make stellar gameplay. It's obvious money grab, and mildly entertaining at best.






    There are examples of both working "well"


    Like Mortal Kombat, an possibly the FIRST resident Evil...for the most part.


    And in terms of video game movies, I know "Riddick escape from butcher bay" was pretty good. and in that case it wasn't just a movie skin pulled over a video game skeleton. it was part of the lore of the films, just in video game form.

  7. i watched the hitcher last. its nuts. the phase "well that escalated quickly" came to mind. but on the dvd there is a very interesting extra with a title that caught my eye ... but its well worth a watch if you can find it





    and just on a fun note ... how did this get left in the movie .. had to rewind a few times




    OMG. So, weirdly enough, I've never seen the original Hitcher movie (Or the weird remake) but I HAVE seen the hilariously awful straight to DVD sequel "Hitcher 2" starring C. Thomas Howell

    for like the first 10 minutes

    and Jake Busey. It's wonderfully terrible. and I can't help but talk about the Asylum's "H.G. Wells War of the Worlds" along with it because it also has C. Thoms Howell and Jake Busey and is outstandingly dreadful in all the best worst ways. (I haven't seen the sequel to that though. I'm not brave enough)

  8. Just started listening. So far two things.


    1. Ain't nothing wrong with Aha! I only just got sick of "Take on me" and when that happens, I listen to genre bending covers... Like this:



    2. I Unironically love "Drgonheart" ... Dammit! haha! It's part of my childhood. It was also around the same time I started having crushes on villains in movies, and I had such a huge crush on David Thewlis. ^.^ His character is such a little shit.


    edit: I hope my bringing up the DragonHeart soundtrack during the "The Quest" episode wasn't what inspired this.

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  9. I haven't seen the new Xmen yet, but I don't mind spoilers (I seek them out sometimes actually. So I ain't even mad.) and between you guys and "Half in the Bag" talking about the Jean Grey and Wolverine moment, it sounds like a weird pedo version of twilight...which sounds like a synopsis for a great, uncomfortable horror movie.



    Also Storm was my favorite for a long time when I was a kid, and Jubilee became my favorite as a tween and Mystique when I was a teen, but then, didn't we all want that power as a teenager?

    • Like 2

  10. Sorry to go off topic, but Seriously Texas weather, I'm getting sick of your shit. It's been raining at night here, and getting up to 90+ degrees during the day all this past week...Which was the week I've been trying to move. 90% humidity and 90 degree heat while doing heavy lifting DOES NOT FEEL GOOD!!! I'm just glad 99% of the move is done now. (Also my friends in Houston almost got flooded again after spending all their money repairing water damage from the last flood. Thank Bodie it didn't get that high)

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