While I really enjoyed the movie, I'm with Amy on this. Specifically when it comes to having some "standards" to this incredibly, super for real serious list of the Greatest Films of All Time we call The Canon!
But really, she's got a point. Not every fun movie deserves to be held up above any other movie just because it's fun. The Force Awakens was fun, but I don't want it in the Canon. Neighbors is fun, but it shouldn't be Canon worthy. This list should be a "best of the best" kind of thing. There are movies that are legitimate masterpieces that are just as fun as Re-Animator and lumping those greats with the not-so-great-but-still-really-goods kinda ruins the whole point of this stupid... I mean profound list, I think.
So, while I agree with Devin in that fun could definitely be a factor in what should get into the Canon, I don't think Re-Animator has what it takes. It is fun, but not fun enough to single it out from anything else. If we're going to look at a film that is so goddamn fun that that in and of itself is enough, the gold standard should be something akin to Buckaroo Bonzai. Even then, I'm not sure if that one's a sure thing and it's one of my favorite movies.
So, with that, I say nay.
Edit: Also, I disagree with Amy on comparing this movie to Ed Wood movies. This is a *good* movie, not a "good" movie.