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Posts posted by j_scanlon

  1. The Mickey Rooney stuff is hysterically garbage but too small a part of the movie to be the single reason to say no


    During the podcast, Amy more or less said that many scenes shouldn't work on paper, because of how outrageous and senseless Holly's actions are (for instance, when she breaks into Paul's apartment in the middle of the night). I thought this was a very good point, but I have to disagree with Amy's subsequent assertion that such scenes work regardless

    Basically. I just can't see this as a Great Film for All Time.

  2. These are two of the greatest films ever made. Im going with Boogie Nights because i do watch it more often, and because its the sort of film that you recommend to someone and they ask "really? i should watch that?"


    Furthermore, I want Boogie Nights to win because there should be a second chance episode sometime (right?) and I want both of these films in. If There Will Be Blood loses, i think itll be more likely to be voted into that Second Chance episode than Boogie Nights if Boogie Nights loses.

    • Like 3


    This is without a doubt the most contentious vote in the history of the show - I'd argue even more than the tie for Jurassic Park versus The Empire Strikes Back, as there were (I believe, I'd have to go back to look at WolfPop to see) less votes cast for that episode.


    I would blame that first on the design of that site compared to this one

    • Like 1

  4. I'm really surprised that so many people dislike Chi-Raq I thought it was really special but Tangerine is kind of next level in my opinion.


    I'm not so sure it's dislike of Chi-raq so much as how it's not Canon. I liked Chi-raq but I honestly think if that episode happened a second time, Creed would've won (as it should have). Still surprised it lost.

  5. I saw both for the first time after becoming a seasoned horror fan. The Brood was very nice, but Possession completely kicked my ass. I consider it one of my all time favorite movies period, and moreso up there like Cronenbergs true masterpiece The Fly... which should also be in the canon....


    I don't believe in guilty pleasures either. I unabashedly love TCM 2 and will watch it knowing full well that my film friends turn their nose up at it. I meant " not good" in the sense that its probably not general canon. I agree the first 45 minutes of Jason X is kick ass but then it kind of peters out for me. This is probably blasphemous but I've never been a big fan of the Friday movies.


    plenty of film people still turn their noses from horror. no way around it.


    i dont even think Friday the 13th fans would call you blasphemous for not liking those movies. Only part 6 comes even close to being a great movie and the funnt thing is that - as weird as some of the places theyve tried to take those movies - 6 is basically the generic ideal of a Jason movie

    • Like 1

  7. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2


    how dare you imply this isnt really good!


    i dont know how to answer this question as i really dont believe in the idea of "guilty pleasures" or anything like it. I think if you enjoy a movie you can find a way to stick up for it. I guess i enjoy Jason X more than most people - its not serious at all and its twice as good as part 5, 7, or 8

