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Posts posted by Evil_Morty

  1. I was a huge Star Wars fan growing up in the 80s and yet the first VHS film I ever owned was Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. I never watched TOS and thought the reruns looked cheesey (and yet I loved Lost in Space) but the movie was given to me by my Aunt for reasons I'll never quite know and it really clicked with me. Even though this was my first experience with these character I could feel the history and the friendships between them. I had never seen Space Seed but I completely understood what Khan was about and it sort of blew my mind; he was definitely sympathetic in a way that Darth Vadar was not. And the music . . . oh boy, all of James Horners scores sound the same and yet they are all so very unique. As I grew older I watched all the films and jumped on board with TNG. Wrath of Khan hooked me and made me want to explore more of this world. More so than Star Wars it feels like Trek has never gone away. And it's really the counter balance to sci fi like Blade Runner, Alien and Star Wars. When I think about the influence I consider my Mom who has never seen an episode but can name all the characters. Or my sister who couldn't care less about sci fi but can still do the Vulcan salute. That feels like a significant cultural influence. I have to vote yes.


    P.S. Dave Schilling was a fantastic guest but I'd be really interested in hearing a follow up with Meredith offering her 2cents as someone completely disconnected from the franchise who was not only entertained but moved by the film.<p class="post-body-inner" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(42, 46, 46); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">





  2. Hands down, Richard Donner's Superman (directors cut). Unlike Burton's Batman (which I really like) Superman just gets better with age. I saw it when I was very young and every time I revisit it I notice new details and find more to love about the character and Reeves defining performance. I think the simple difference between Superman 1979 and Batman 1989 is that Superman actually moves me. From Pa Kents death, to Reeves crying over Lois's body, to that earnest and believable response "who are you?". . . "a friend" I believed a man could fly. I really love the broken and relatable super hero characters like Daredevil, Batman, and Spider-man but Superman - particularly Donner and Reeves version - gives comfort and inspires me. And for whatever reason, Devin and Amy's valid criticism about Lex Luthor doesn't bother me. I actually dig the tonal shift. It's probably just nostalgia but watching this in the 80s I was already freaked out about missiles blowing up my random small town. "Otis berg" and "Miss Tessmocker!" helped me deal with seeing the horror of the Kryptonian's die and Lois Lane being buried alive. For now, Captain America is the best version of Superman we have. I really hope a filmmaker can do the man of tomorrow justice someday soon.
