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Posts posted by ThomasRobertLee

  1. While I really enjoy Re-Animator as a fun film, and as a huge Lovecraft fan, it simply doesn't feel Canon worthy to me. Amy basically echoed my feelings about this film -- and this is coming from someone who would personally love to see more horror in The Canon (psst... The Exorcist).

  2. Totally agree -- Ninth Configuration has got to be one of the most underrated films ever.


    Didn't Blatty approve a different Friedkin cut? Or are you referring to the footage that was apparently lost or destroyed? In the grand scheme, final act meddling aside, Legion is a very strong horror film. George C Scott is fuckin incredible to watch.


    I meant Blatty's cut of Legion and the footage that's now gone. I agree though, super underrated movie and a great George C. Scott performance. The Changeling would be another good one...

  3. The Exorcist 3 is a far better film, with two of the biggest scares I've ever experienced. Highly recommended, in case you've never seen it.


    The 1973 film is iconic, for sure. Probably the most seminal and enduring horror movie that isn't a slasher.


    I think that if we could ever see Blatty's original cut of Legion (The Exorcist III), it would have really been something. As it stands, it's an underrated movie with a few great scares. The Ninth Configuration is a much more accomplished film, top to bottom (in my opinion).



    THE EXORCIST is an American masterpiece from arguably the greatest era of Hollywood filmmaking: the 1970s. It became a cultural phenomenon, raking in millions at the box office before earning 10 Academy Award nominations (2 wins), including Best Picture (a first for what most consider to be a horror film). It towers over both the horror genre and the landscape of New Hollywood as a major landmark.


    THE EXORCIST deserves its place in The Canon... Do we all agree?



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