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Posts posted by dickhoff3

  1. The 2 Corey's either together or separate. License to Drive, Dream a Little Dream would be great. For Haim you've got Fast Getaway and my personal favorite; "A Prayer for the Roller Boys." That would have made a great companion piece on a double live show with Solar Babies.


    Yes, there is far too little Segal in HDTGM. It's good to see some Kurt Russell coming up finally with Escape From LA. I'd also like some more Jan Michael-Vincent.

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  2. Fun Fact: The Shining Path was a real Maoist insurgency movement in Peru. They were founded by Abamael Guzman and were a militant communist group involved in clashes with the Government of Alberto Fujimori in the 90's. Lots of bombings and death carried out by both sides, a real dark time for Peru. So when Stacy Keach mentioned that Cuervo Jones was a Peruvian national and a member of the Shining Path, it's actually based in some reality. I guess Cuervo is supposed to be an amalgamation of Abamael Guzman and Che Guevara but he's got no discernible Latino accent and and is named after a Mexican Tequila. Still, someone writing this script actually did some research I guess.


    I remember when this movie came out. I loved it and was really fascinated by this often referenced Cleveland based adventure. I was sure there was some movie out there in between NY and LA set in Cleveland and this was pre IMDB and I have memories of combing the Blockbuster action section trying to find that movie.

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  3. Jessica McKenna mentions in this episode how she was so bizarrely unattracted to Tim Olyphant, I too thought he looked really different. I guess the dark dye job and overall sleazy personality probably had a lot to do with it. But also, did anyone think he looked bizarrely like Marco Rubio? In fact, when he first shows up my first thought was, "wow, who's that actor who looks like Marco Rubio?" I couldn't even recognize Olyphant and I'm really familiar with his work.

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  4. A few questions I had, and I'm at work so I haven't able to read all the comments yet, so sorry if they've been addressed. One minor thing. They mention that they've gone to the cabin for the past 20 years, right? And the flashback to when they met Duditz was, if I'm not mistaken, 20 years ago? So they've been presumably renting and spending weekends alone to hunt in this cabin in the woods since they were like how old? 12 or 13? Sounds odd, who's putting up the security deposit for this trip when they're basically children? Where are these kid's parents? I feel like they could have mentioned that in a flashback. Was this a place they discovered or used to come to with Duditz? I feel like the significance of this trip is kind of lost in this movie. Maybe it's different in the book.


    Also, and again, I was probably falling asleep when I was watching the last act of this movie, but doesn't Tom Jane mention that they hadn't seen Duditz in several years; like basically since their teenage years? I thought they were supposed to be best friends; this guy is the most important person in their lives and they continually talk about him as if he's dead. He's got a terminal illness and seems to be just a few hours drive away, shouldn't they be routinely visiting this poor guy, even helping his elderly mother with some of the care-giving? Hell, why not invite him to the cabin, seems like it would have been a lovely thing for this dying man to spend one last weekend with his best childhood buds? Couldn't they have just packed his meds up, sat him in front of the fire and serenaded him with Blue Bayou? Now that's the heartwarming movie I want to see.


    I was also really annoyed when the so called fasted kid in the world, not only never showcased his speed but also basically broke his leg 30 minutes into the movie right as his speed might come into play. Couldn't there be a big foot race scene where he's outrunning some alien animals or something to save someone? Would have been a nice way to redeem a pretty bad character. I'm guessing in the book, his speed some how comes into play more when they're flashing back.

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  5. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0162212/


    My favorite Disney Channel movie and there is actually a full version on youtube, though the quality isn't great.


    Some good stuff in this movie but my favorite is the performance of Sam Horrigan as Val, perhaps the finest teenage villain/bully role to ever be acted. It's right up there with Van Der Beek in "Angus" and the guy who plays Buddy Revel in "3:00 High." Chewing that scenery like crazy.

  6. I was watching this movie last night, hadn't seen it in years. God, please please think about doing this one. This has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. It would have been great to do as a double feature with Solarbabies. I love that there was this idea that in a dystopian future, rollerblades are gonna play a major roll. So much to talk about with this one, the fake Kiefer Sutherland villain and those pleated khaki outfits and giant coats. It has it all.
