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Everything posted by JamesGrossman

  1. JamesGrossman

    Eliminators (1986)

    I believe I saw this movie for the first time on HBO when I was 9. HBO was doing a free weekend where non-subscribers could watch HBO all day for one Saturday and Sunday. Back then technology was not so great and occasionally for some reason that I did not know at the time we would continue to get HBO unscrambled for a few weeks after the free weekend. My dad had just bought the families first Betmax and he would religiously tape everything that aired on HBO during this time. One of those movies was the Eliminators... I watched this over and over as a kid. The only cyborg movie with a cyborg that has tank treads instead of feet and a Ninja named Kuji (pronounced Coochie).
  2. JamesGrossman

    Deadpool (2016)

    Sorry to bump this as a new member but I've been marathoning through all of the Podcasts and all I can think is how awesome it would be for Paul,Jason and June to do this movie with special guest Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.