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Posts posted by DavidAustin

  1. This should really be between Fellowship and Two Towers - Return really only has the Gollum arc in its favor as argument for why it is the best of the three. As between Fellowship and Two Towers, I think I have to give a slight edge to Fellowship. As amazing as the Helm's Deep sequence is, the overall movie suffers from having its cast split up, losing the chemistry of the first film.

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  2. Man, there really needs to be an option in the Versus polls for "Neither." I think these are both entertaining and enjoyable movies that are nowhere near good enough to make it into any canon, and barring being convinced otherwise during the show, that means I will have to abstain from voting for a second week in a row (wasn't able to find Sign O the Times).

  3. Soft no. Very fun movie, and certainly the best in the franchise. I saw this when I was very young, and the ear worm haunted my dreams for years. But canon, nope. Not that influential except on its own series. Most of the arguments put forward to why Star Trek more generally should be in, not this film. Unlike Goldfinger, which was not only the apex of its own series, but influenced an entire genre immeasurably.

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  4. Soft yes. I do think Steve Martin's character is utterly irredeemable, but that works for me. Some of the set pieces are fantastic (particularly walked) and I think the film is impressively ambitious. It may not achieve all of its ambitions, but it comes close enough.
