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Everything posted by MikeKammer

  1. MikeKammer

    Suicide Squad (2016)

    Oh God yes! I would love to hear Paul, June and Zouks talk about Suicide Squad! Things I want to hear them comment on (possible Spoilers ahead, but if you haven't already seen this, what are you doing here?!): --The fact that Waller brags at her initial Task Force X pitch meeting with the government that she threw Deadshot (and the rest of the candidates) "in a hole, then I threw away the hole." Meaning, one would assume, that their location is one or two levels BEYOND top secret. And yet EVERYONE knows where it is! The infamous leader of a street gang in Gotham City (which I think BvS established as being the sister city to Metropolis somewhere in or around Kansas? Who knows... ) has no problem using his seemingly NATIONWIDE network of underground contacts to figure out: A. That Waller's black site is actually a Louisiana prison called "Belle Reve," which is apparently not even that hard to find on a map; B. That Harley is stashed there and C. The head guard (whose identity is apparently common knowledge in the community) has a big gambling problem and can be turned quite easily. And who exactly designed this prison? Is Harley Quinn's cell-within-a-cell located in some outer wing where the Joker and his men can BOMB their way in with NO ONE working at the prison noticing a thing until the wall explodes? And speaking of the Joker... --His street thugs are actually more effective with weapons than almost any other characters in the movie, save for maybe Deadshot. They actually seem more coordinated than Flagg's "elite" team of Navy Seals (Or Delta Force, or whatever Scott Eastwood and those other dudes were.). --This has been brought up so many times by better folks than me, but what exactly are Captain Boomerang and Harley Quinn doing on this team? If the goal was to form a response team that could deal with a threat on par with a rogue Superman, Harley and her bat and Captain Boomerang and his, uh, boomerang would be turned to ash in seconds. Maybe less. Neither has a power or even a discernible skill that would be useful in that situation. Same thing with Slipknot. "Sir, Superman's gone rogue! He just tore the roof off of the White House!" "Assemble Task Force X! And make sure Slipknot is active. That man can climb anything. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G!" If you need to steal something, Harley and Captain Boomerang make sense. Well, -ish. But if you need to take down an alien tank, they make no sense. And why was Harley using a wooden bat? That would shatter after two hits. --Why in God's name did Waller murder those last four technicians? They weren't cleared to know about Task Force X? Then why were they there in the first place?! What skills did those four agents possess that no one in Waller's employ possessed, to the point that she needed to outsource those duties to other branches of the government (like the FBI). And won't shooting them in the head and leaving their bodies raise even MORE questions than would have been raised by letting them live. Won't their original agencies wonder what happened to them? Why not just read them in? There's already HUNDREDS of people (if not thousands) that are aware of Task Force X by now. That giant government war room was streaming it via a satellite feed, for God's sake. Not to mention all of the different military units that came to Belle Reve to prepare for the mission. --Incubus takes out all those helicopters, but somehow Joker's fake Argus crew sneaks right on in so that they can ambush Waller's team? Was Joker somehow working with them? It makes no sense! And on and on. I really want to hear this podcast!