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Posts posted by MitchellJamesHansch

  1. Long time listener, first time caller. This is where the power of The Canon truly hit me. As I was refreshing my followed podcasts I noticed that this week The Canon was discussing "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn" and my stomach instantly started to ache with the force of a Romulan ale bender. The potential casting off of one of my favorite films of all time (in a forum that has no real substantial value) was almost too much for me to bear. I'm not really commenting on the movie of the week as much as I'm congratulating you on putting together that not only got me to vote, constantly check those votes, but also to comment with my lackluster usage of verbage and click post. I appreciate your efforts greatly.


    To Devin and Amy (even though you didn't care for it) I have been, and always shall be, your friend.

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