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Cakebug Tranch

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Everything posted by Cakebug Tranch

  1. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 19 (Tomspanks' 2nd Pick)

    I want to watch TV with your mom.
  2. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170.5 - Minisode 170.5

    Not racist. Segregationist. That's way better, right?
  3. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Boy Next Door, duh. I was always buying antique books for old ladies in my town.
  4. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Oh, I'm not one to speak, Max - my favourite eras for music are 1994-1998 or thereabouts, which is entirely to do with the fact that I was finishing high school and starting university in that period. I know full well that there are big problems with bands like Everclear, Bush, Oasis, Luscious Jackson, Elastica, etc etc etc, but I love them because of their connection to what I was going through in that time. The ones I cited above (LFO, Eiffel 65, Lou Bega) are, however, all horrible: compared to what I loved from a decade prior, it's the 'noises and sound pollution' you mention. Okay, maybe not Lou. He's fun.
  5. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Obviously it'd be this.
  6. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I was the best man in a wedding where the couple did a full-on choreographed swing number to 'Paradise By the Dash Board Light'. It might sound hip and fun and cool and whatever and they had fun but good lord it was painful.
  7. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    It would only let me post two videos per link, so here's the third one to really bring it home: or this.
  8. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Fuck Cameron, I knew there was a reason we were friends. I love First Aid Kit so much... My wife and I got married in 2001 so I'm certain that our wedding song was either this: or this: It was a terrible time for music.
  9. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 19 (Tomspanks' 2nd Pick)

    Yeah, sure that was written by a woman named 'Mary'.
  10. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 19 (Tomspanks' 2nd Pick)

    'Be Our Guest' is (horribly) covered and remixed in 'Descendants', the Disney Channel movie that is proof that my children hate me and want me to be unhappy. But every time they watch it and I get 'Be Our Guest' in my head, I always sing it as 'See My Vest'. That's some solace.
  11. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 19 (Tomspanks' 2nd Pick)

    Nope. I was reading the synopsis of 'The Jazz Singer' and I had one of those moments CamB mentions above about the 'Citizen Kane' realizations that everything you've thought was original was just a parody... This quote in particular: Reading that, I was like, HOLY SHIT, that's that Krusty episode. Never had any clue.
  12. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays--Rotation and Sign Up

    Keep that up Cam, and I'll pick it again next week.
  13. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    While we're at it, Triple_Lindy, the invitation is of course open to you too! Come watch musicals with us! Some are wonderful, some are average, and some are picked by Cameron and Tom.
  14. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Hey, since you're getting to know the community - it seems apt that over in our Musical Mondays thread we're watching a Dolly Parton movie this coming week. Come on over, join us, join in! No need for any past experience or knowledge with musicals... http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/49726-musical-mondays-off-week-19-tomspanks-2nd-pick/
  15. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 19 (Tomspanks' 2nd Pick)

    Get ready for 'The Jazz Singer' then - that's directly parodied in the episode 'Like Father, Like Clown', where Krusty longs to be a clown but his father, Rabbi Krustovsky, refuses to acknowledge him.
  16. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

  17. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Hey, Bratz gonna brat, you can't hold them down.
  18. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Again, as Tom says, the group routine they show off with is so terrible (and filled with sloppy mistakes) but they act like they're right off the set of 'Bring it On'. They're more like the cheerleaders in 'The Replacements'. I think they get what they deserve.
  19. Cakebug Tranch

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    No, Friday-Sunday I'm home, so that's family attention time. I'm not going to subject Meg to Old Dogs on one of my few nights home each week... Midweek is another matter, but please don't change anything on my account, particularly for Old Dogs. Guys, I really hate Old Dogs.
  20. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I did like her as Borat though
  21. Cakebug Tranch

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    I'm driving back from NY on Friday nights, so sadly I'm likely out of the Classics fun for the foreseeable future. The GREAT news, though, is that I won't have to watch 'Old Dogs' again! Hooray! Good luck guys. I look forward to your commentary. PS - the 'Season of the Witch' ep came out from behind the paywall this week so i listened to it when it emerged. Holds up pretty well: my favourite part is them making fun of the trailers of the terrible movies that preceded 'Season', one of which was 'Limitless' which wound up being a big hit.