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Cakebug Tranch

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Everything posted by Cakebug Tranch

  1. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Happy 43rd birthday to Wiley! May all your hills be Devil's Backbones.
  2. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    Also, there is 100% less child abuse and sexual assault in this movie, so...
  3. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    I was thinking about this this morning and thought 'oh, maybe I should have picked 'West Side Story' or something that everyone would enjoy', but then I thought, naw, fuck it, I'd rather pick something that engenders a strong response and good conversation. So, a couple of us love it, everyone else sees it for the mess it is, it seems. Bring on Monday!
  4. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    This is a perfectly valid response. Agreed in many ways. Yes. Tommy was the worst.
  5. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    That's true, Cameron. I have certainly seen you looking Pepe-ier. Get some rest. You'll be back to your Wiley best tomorrow.
  6. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    Also, reviewed it on letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/shaksper/film/across-the-universe/
  7. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    Just finished watching the movie. I was right, it fuckin' rules. To everyone else,
  8. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Dude, get off her (Devil's) Back(bone)
  9. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    Geocached. For the first time, I've discovered a disadvantage of being Canadian. Oh, the troubles we've known...
  10. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    I'm actually Paul F. Tompkins. Just using one of my character's phrases as a cover.
  11. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    Probably best I redact this one.
  12. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    Oh I think that was me, but only because that's your username over there. Also, every now and then I get mixed up and doubt myself when I go to call rubbybells tomspanks or you Fister or something. My memory's terrible, and I start to wonder if I'm mixing people up. Sorry if it got weird.
  13. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    I got unlazy: ETA: shaksper is me, on the other site. Damn I suck at usernames.
  14. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    It was on my Moana review. But I'm too lazy to go look for it myself.
  15. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    Yep, when Oliver told Jimmy and Trayvon that they say 'fuck' in 'Hamilton' and both adults said 'no they don't', and then Trayvon tried to pretend that he knew the answer when he totally didn't (Hercules Mulligan says it in 'Guns and Ships') I was all
  16. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    I thought you'd just snip your argument from letterboxd. But if you're even too lazy for that...
  17. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    I'm a few eps behind, and while I like it a bunch, I'm starting to tire of it a bit. Trayvon is a funny guy and is super passionate about the show, but it's starting to bug me more and more in the way he gets a little defensive whenever anyone else offers knowledge about the show, as though he's the font of all 'Hamilton' knowledge. The amount of times I've muttered 'Let the guest talk, Trayvon' is starting to pile up. Also, he tends to repeat the same stories, which are new to his guests, but when you're releasing a podcast every week, it is repetitive for the listener. They're minor quibbles, though. It's a great format, and I really liked the Jimmy/Oliver Pardo episode. I just find myself getting annoyed by his clear inexperience as an interviewer. It's like Jimmy Pardo says on 'Never Not Funny' to Matt Bellknap, "you're not in the 'Hamilton' cast!" ETA - yeah, what Cameron said about single-topic podcasts, and apply it to Trayvon's repeating stories on this podcast.
  18. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    'Hamilton' is a pretty brilliant isolated listen - every song from the show except one small one are on the soundtrack and it's brilliantly recorded. While the visuals are incredible I don't think you need them to enjoy the show. Cameron argues this better than I do, so we'll wait for him. And I got the 'La La Land' soundtrack yesterday. Also, I relistened to the 'Across the Universe' soundtrack yesterday too and stand by it...
  19. Cakebug Tranch

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 4 (Cakebug Tranch's Pick)

    I came to 'Hamilton' late - like, maybe early 2016 - and while I knew L-MM had more stuff out there, I just didn't want to commit to what would evolve into a new obsession. So I held off. I'm not avoiding it, just looking for the right time when i can give it my full attention. Finding 'Hamilton' just made me one of those insufferable 'always talking about it' guys and I didn't want to do that with an old one. Also, we were pregnant with our first child when ITH first came out (and I was in the last year of my PhD) so I was distracted. That's all I got. ETA - I do listen to 'The Room Where It's Happening' podcast but it's starting to lose me. Anyone else listen?