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Cakebug Tranch

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Everything posted by Cakebug Tranch

  1. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I did when I was a kid. I don't remember much except being freaked the fuck out and thinking that this wasn't the Oz I'd signed up for. There's a pumpkin head guy right? I did not dig. PS - can you tell that by posting 500 times in each thread I'm trying to catch up with you, Cameron? (promise to slow down soon)
  2. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Oh, I meant the movies. The Michael Bay movies. The bloated, awful, hateful, Michael Bay movies. With Will Arnett and Meghan Fox (I really struggled to remember her name). For some reason, I just loved the dynamic between the four and Splinter. Enjoyed at least the first one WAY more than I expected to when pre-screening it before letting the kids see it. I remember Venus de Milo. I'd successfully blocked her out but now it's back. Thanks, Jammer. PS - WTF that Hentai image!
  3. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Oh, I see! You don't HAVE to watch it
  4. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    And congrats to you Cam Bert for finding your forever-signature!
  5. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    The good: Congrats on 2000! The bad: Oh crap! More HDTGM homework! I still can't keep up with the musicals!
  6. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    My seven year old loves Raph. I must admit, I was quite fond of the geek Donnie in the new ones (yeah shut up I thought they were just fine not good but sort of fine and yeah the actress whatever her name is wasn't great nor was the casey jones but i liked the turtles themselves for what they were shut up)
  7. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Hey, here's my name-drop moment for the week! Tim Minchin's an old buddy of mine! I've known him well nigh 25 years, did high school musicals with his sister, we were in an improv troupe together for a while, went to university together, and when I had to turn down a chance to play Hamlet just as I was leaving Australia to emigrate to Canada, Tim got asked to do it instead! Autograph line starts to the right.
  8. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    It's first thing in the morning in Japan right now. He'll be up soon to clear all this up!
  9. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I think you know my answer to this, based on my original identity here in the forum... (NOTE: THAT IS NOT ME) And yes. Yes, I likely would. Or, worse, half-ass it and embarrass myself.
  10. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Yep, she's a music teacher of all kinds - piano, guitar, voice, piano, Garage Band, clarinet, all sorts. She's an especially good arranger - her Christmas gift to me the last two years were songs she arranged so we could play piano-saxophone duets at home (we live the high life up here in Canada). But yes, I'm sure she could help you!
  11. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I added you QS - and everyone in my following list (except Matt Gourley) are HDTGM forum people!
  12. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    My wife teaches ukulele - I'll ask her for you tonight Cameron!
  13. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Actually, yes - Paul's pick was pretty funny. A stand-up bit I quite enjoyed.
  14. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Sad to say I skip through them. I'm sure they're funny on the YouTube channel, but it hurts my head when it's beamed right into my brain through my headphones. Add to that that they only ever tear movies down and I quite liked 'Fantastic Beasts,' I thought it best to skip (as usual). I did wonder what you'd have to say about them crapping on it though...
  15. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Totally just answered your own question.
  16. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Just listened to the mini while grocery shopping (I associate so many episodes of HDTGM with the produce section at the No Frills at Gerrard and Carlaw) and wanted to chime in to say bravo again to Cam Bert for the no-prize, richly deserved. Amazing post! Although, it might be time for you to post in Ask Paul to clarify the pronunciation of your name! (although, I do love the many ways he always goes at it: there must be four or five versions by now) I was going to say you could clarify your gender too (since today he wondered if you were a woman), but that's up to you.
  17. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    I have a student at the moment doing a final thesis project, half between my department and half with the Environmental Studies programme. She's writing a play exploring society's treatment of environmental issues, specifically the idea of merging the Greek figure of Cassandra (true prophecies no one listens to) and Climate Change deniers. In advising her yesterday, I reached way back into my repertoire by referencing 'Highlander 2: The Quickening' by talking about how Connor MacLeod fixes the ozone layer to much fanfare, without recognition of the side-effects of such a move. I then quickly advised the student to NOT watch the movie.
  18. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I didn't comment much on the paywall thing because I still hadn't watched Escape from LA at that stage and didn't want spoilers on the ep, but reading back, I really don't know what Reddit Troll (trademark pending) was talking about when he said we were going at each other. I loved how Cameron stood his ground in the face of all the 'yeah but...' posters about the paywall. I myself was negatively affected by the paywall when it meant I'd have to pay to catch up with the Comedy Bang! Bang! back catalogue (and I have enough of a listening queue that I don't really see the use in subscribing since I wouldn't get through them all in time anyway), but I totally get their justification. I think firsttimelongtime put it best when he pointed out that if a Reddit Troll (trademark pending) sees us as combative, he's probably projecting his own shit. This was civil, and kind, and calm. So far.
  19. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Ignore this post, I totally just quoted myself rather than edited my post. Can you delete posts?
  20. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Oh, we'll let you know...
  21. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    That did bug me throughout - I've only been to LA a few times, but my main memory of it is that it's a lot of highways and everyone drives everywhere. My wife and I were out there years ago, and being from Toronto, we're so used to walking everywhere, so we did, wandering all over (a small part of) LA and being looked at like insane people by people driving by. Locals would say "you walked from there to there? Why?" It's a sprawling city, but Snake gets around like nobody's business. Also, the fact that EVERY TIME he would say to some strange local "I'm looking for [insert place here]", they would say "oh, it's right there." Like Snake's wandering around outside Cuervo's place aimlessly, not noticing the place bristling with SPOTLESS classic cars and guns (and treadmills)? "Hey, surfer Peter Fonda, where's the Hollywood Bowl?" "Down there." "Hey, hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold, where's Sunset Boulevard?" "Over there." "Hey, Maps To The Stars Eddie, where's Hershi?" "Right here." Also: was it Cam Bert who mapped out Snake's movements in an earlier post? I meant to mention that: bravo.
  22. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    How about Easy Rider: The Ride Back Up Plan? Thank you, I'll show myself out.
  23. Cakebug Tranch

    Ghost Rider (2007)

    One of my oldest friends plays the quirky cameraman in this movie. #Braaaaag PS - He's horrible in it, as is everything else in this movie.
  24. Cakebug Tranch

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    I can't forgive him for that terrible track on the Hamilton Mixtape.