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Everything posted by urinalcake

  1. Nice weeze. Alexa's a little bitch and won't do it. Very happy for you. Really hope someone chimes in with some dirt on that liar fake gamer girl. I'll bet she had on a stupid shirt or something lame-o.
  2. I really hope that liar girl at the end of the epi is a forum member and she posts her 20 min solo performance thesis. She sounded like a real bag of peaches. Keelie, if you're out there, please tell us if that fake gamer girl had as good of a personality in person as it came across on the podcast. I got a new pair of slippers and a turtle shaped heating pad for xmas. Really though I just wanted the little freshneshness packets.
  3. I'm glad nobody wore their goofy ears to this miraculous evening. Could have derailed things completely.
  4. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    It has a big stussy S I drew on one side and it plays 'Lazymuthafucka' when you catch it. Can you throw it backwards, counter clockwise to the earths rotation back to me? Could have sworn I just threw it forward, but that damn biker gang was going fast.
  5. Im glad I woke from my dream about big fat seltzer water bubbles.
  6. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    Anybody seen my boomerang?
  7. urinalcake

    2016 Hollywood Handbook Best of Voting

    I just filled this out. So look at the response with the time stamp closest to this post and you'll have your exact answer regarding which epi's were besties. I'm a preeminent authority on the matter. Look at my points for sauce.
  8. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    We did it guys. We really did. So happy for everyone. It will be interesting to see how things progress tomorrow when a new affront to this thread's reign is launched by some handsome young intern. God speed handy-heads. God speed.
  9. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    Beefypoo. I retract my previous inquiry regarding your responses to my inquiries. Also, thank you for clarifying your involvement in aforementioned kangaroo fisticuffs. I'm glad you are ok and hope that kangaroo didn't get your license plate numbers. I am still interested in hearing the manner in which your stool vacates the potty.
  10. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    Your nieces and nephews are such sweeties chuck. Beef, why don't you answer my questions? Are you reading them in the wrong direction just like the toilets flush? I can try to transpose them if needed. Are you transposing everything you type so we can read it?
  11. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    That's how my mommy got me to eat my carrots chuck. Keep up the good work.
  12. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    Beef, are you the one that punched the roo? Better be careful beefypoo. I'll say it again, because some of my haters refused to a knowledge the first time, but... I like this one.
  13. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    I'm with you beef. I like putting on a pair of undersized panties and scrolling up and down through these threads. Contributing just puts me over the edge. Woopsie daisy
  14. urinalcake

    Episode 165 - Max Silvestri, Our Close Friend

    It's like you guys didn't know what the F in PFT portends. Seriously. It's right there folks. Some NLP stuff
  15. urinalcake

    Episode 165 - Max Silvestri, Our Close Friend

    It's important to realize this post precedes chanson's by a margin wider than the ferry utilized to access his big butt. Burn.
  16. urinalcake

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    I like this one.
  17. You can really tell when a recording session has time to decant and evolve a full flavor profile when Kevin's creepy ass isn't there to stifle the creativity.
  18. It would be nice if a certain chanson would be a sweetie and proceed with the suckageawea.
  19. urinalcake

    Episode 163 - Yassir Lester, Our Close Friend

    Lester get it started yassir
  20. guys. sorry for my absence. i was doing research. my conclusion. kanye definitely does not owe that guy $300.
  21. failed attempt to relisten to this. just too depressing. they never should have made that get out the vote movie
  22. post your chuckles while you still can boyz. pwueeezzze
  23. i didnt know votings was to happen. then this podcast posted youtube. thank thank.
  24. it was refreshing to see people help others in our current political climate. im 100% on board with this type of content.