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Posts posted by lucyd1999

  1. whoever said "i don't mean to come off as condescending"

    well you sound super condescending, especially with your little simpsons clip which i'm not gonna watch

    in regards to what you said, that isn't really what i feel it is. in my opinion, it isn't that her problems are minuscule and don't matter. no one really cares about her, her father dies in a tragic way, and her only friend literally abandons her for her brother. it's easy to feel sympathy for this kind of character. however, whenever one is beginning to feel even an inkling of sympathy for her, she ruins it. it's not as if her problems are childish and don't matter in this scenario (and don't we all love to act patronizing and condescending to kids going through shit in their formative years, saying their problems are worthless), it's that the way she goes about complaining about them alienates the audience, and makes you want to see her fail, or at least say "i told you so" when someone responds back to her.

    as for my list of things, its just a fucking list, its not in order of importance jeez

    also, she just isn't a rebellious teenager. that isn't a trope this movie deals with at all. if anything, i think she wishes she were more rebellious because it would give her a sort of realm and place in her world to fit into. she is lost and doesn't really have anyone. she makes attempts to be rebellious maybe and do things out of her comfort zone, but can't follow through with those things because that wouldn't be who she is.

  2. There are multiple forums on here saying this is a GOOD movie. Maybe I'm a harsh critic. Just kidding, maybe they're all INSANE.

    This was one of the worst movies of all time, comparable only to Me Before You, another AWFUL 2016 movie.

    The Edge of Seventeen was marketed as being "the new hot teen movie." In the ads, that meant it would go right up there with movies like the Fast Times, the Breakfast Club, John Hughes bullshit,, Dazed and Confused, Clueless, Juno, etc.


    - The plot is strange.

    - Why is the brother named Darien?

    - Woody Harrelson's character (WHY IS WOODY HARRELSON PLAYING THIS ROLE) doesn't make sense. This role would make more sense not as a living breathing entity, but as though Hailee Steinfeld's character had an imaginary friend.

    - Call me jaded, but I thought the whole movie that there was gonna be some sort of weird, teacher-student relationship. I don't know if that would've improved the movie. Probably not. The sexual tension shouldn't have been there. It's not normal sexual tension, though.

    - The plot with the best friend and brother-- what the fuck. Never mind that it sucks for Hailee Steinfeld, yeah whatever, that's obvious. All the scenes with them alone. THERE IS NO EXPLANATION. WHAT IS THE SOCCER FUNCTION THEY'RE AT WHEN KYRA SEDGWICK CALLS THE BROTHER ON THE PHONE? nothing is mentioned. also they're juniors so why is he talking about "going to school where he wants?"

    - nothing in the relationship is fleshed out

    - Hailee Steinfeld-- when she starts going off at someone (she goes off at everyone-- her mom, her friend, her brother), you start to want to feel bad for her, because she actually is in a bad situation. For once, a teen movie without that much exaggeration or hyperbole. Then, she goes way too far and you just wanna yell at the screen "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU DESERVE TO LOSE KRISTA."



    - no one in this movie knows how to communicate AT ALL

    i think i fell asleep like 15 minutes before the end, but yeah, WORST MOVIE EVER

    also everyone dresses SO. WEIRD. not even ironically weird. STRAIGHT UP WEIRD.
