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Posts posted by Burzz

  1. A couple months ago, HDTGM did Airborne. This was a movie that was at the top of my list of movies I've always wanted them to cover. I was wondering if you could pick one (and only one) movie for HDTGM to do, what movie would it be?


    I'm at a point that I'm pretty much happy with whatever they pick, but I wouldn'y mind if they covered...




    I love the original, but I remember hating this one.


    What ONE movie would everyone like to hear them talk about? (Although, I think we all know which movie Smigg is going to pick :) )


    Long time listener & reader, created an account to be a first time commenter. Two things.. Firstly, when I was in high school we had a party which was based entirely around showing Weekend at Bernies 2 to a friend who had just previously mentioned in casual conversation that he'd never seen it. There were probably 20 to 30 people there (admittedly, at least half of them either didn't know it had anything to do with Weekend at Bernies 2 or didn't care), we planned ahead and had food and booze on hand, really the whole nine yards. I shit you not-at-all, ten minutes into the movie, dude exclaims, "Oh, I've seen this!"


    Secondly, I approve of putting her in a brassiere.

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