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Everything posted by BoBoBlonkers

  1. BoBoBlonkers

    Episode #245 - Money Plane

    Anyone else thing, due to the pentagram and the disconnected nature of the second thing they bet on where a guy randomly cuts some other guys arm off, that those shits were from some other project that didn’t work and A Lawrence subsequently shoved it in there. The third one was supposed to be piranhas I think but you don’t see it bathe music at that point implied it be sounding like the jaws music but really it could’ve been anything in some other movie.
  2. BoBoBlonkers

    Episode #245 - Money Plane

    He won the royal rumble? Obviously he was able to beat the regular rumble!
  3. BoBoBlonkers

    Episode #245 - Money Plane

    A couple things. 1. My friend noticed that if you look at the eyes of one of the extras storming "The Rumble'sS place at the end, it's clearly Joey Laurence, because obv Andrew needed some extras but didn't want to hire any. 2. They forgot to mention how when the girl was entering the plane, she walked through a metal detector, it went off, and she pulled a gun out of her... let's say... "dress," which is crazy enough. But then she just kind of shrugged like "you got me" and gave it to the people on the plane who were like "oh you." If you try to sneak a gun on a plane, they don't just throw it out like it's a water bottle. I mean I guess it's a criminal plane but still... they had no questions for her? 3. It made me laugh that in the first scene, Jack wore glasses to the art museum to look "smart." 4. And finally, this is the second time Paul has told his Melissa Joan Hart story. He's also told the story about trying to tongue kiss his mom twice. But in both cases, June and Jason have forgotten these stories. How many weird ass stories from childhood must this guy have that they barely flinch over these two?! If my friend told me he had met MJH and kissed his mom on the mouth I'd never be able to forget those things! Paul's got some dark stories that out weigh those ones by a mile and I want to know what they are! (PS love you Paul. I believe your ghost story)
  4. Just for the hell of it, I reedited this movie... and took out Fred. I call it "Drop Dead Fred Minus Drop Dread Fred." https://www.facebook.com/pg/TheMicaMonster/videos/?ref=page_internal Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion wouldn't take it either because of copyright shit or video size so I had to put it on Facebook, but no worries it's not my private account. I hope you all like it. I chopped out a bunch of shit at the beginning, but Fred doesn't start not appearing until around 10 minutes in. I think it's pretty funny. Particularly the breakfast scene, lunch with Mickey, and the ending. But there're a bunch of gems along the way. Enjoy.