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Everything posted by Tuffnail

  1. I apologize if someone already brought this up - but looking through the board I do not think anyone has. Megan Merkles BFF stylist is Jessica Mulroney, husband of Ben Mulroney, son of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Jessica Mulroney was (I do not think anymore) the stylist for Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada. So if it was Jessica(/ Sophie maybe) who introduced Megan and Harry, that is not super crazy. And also, maybe that Vanity Fair quote should have reflected the fact that her stylist/BFF is also a socialite? Canada! AND, suits was filmed in Toronto. Do Jason, Paul, and June hate Toronto? (there was some reference on the pod to Suits being filmed in Vancouver). Please come do a live show here to make up for it.
  2. Tuffnail

    Episode 206 - Little Italy

    I was trying to figure out why the actor who played Anthony (the foot guy) looked so familiar - he played Jason in Mean Girls, the High school Student who asked Lindsay Lohan if she likes her 'muffin buttered' - Mean Girls was filmed in the Toronto area, so this maybe this is a continuation of that character? Also, i found a BlogTO article about the movie I thought might be of interest. https://www.blogto.com/film/2018/08/little-italy-movie-toronto/
  3. Tuffnail

    Episode 206 - Little Italy

    Another Canadian stereotype that I will accept is that everyone knows everyone... my friends Dad lives on a farm beside Hayden Christensen's farm! It's not in Little Italy.
  4. Tuffnail

    Episode 206 - Little Italy

    did anyone notice when Alyssa Milano was filing her nails at the pizza shop right by the food???
  5. Tuffnail

    Episode 206 - Little Italy

    I also live in Toronto - the only place I recognize right away from Little Italy is the Starbucks, which is no longer there. I saw them filming the movie around Toronto summer 2017, on College street around Kensington market. I think the interior of Luigi's is The Silver Dollar, which was also used in Suicide Squad? The bar was torn down a while ago - a sad loss for the city.
  6. Tuffnail

    Episode 206 - Little Italy

    I think that the pizza place is filled with all the old ladies from the retirement home - who showed up because they liked the Indian delivery guy. Marijuana is legal in Canada, and it is up to each province to govern how pot is sold. Provincial governments do the same for alcohol. Currently in Ontario (the province Toronto is in) you can only buy legal government weed online www.ocs.ca. The provincial government has created a lottery system for permits to sell marijuana at store level. Perhaps they should apply for a permit. Or maybe - this movie takes place in the future, and they received one such permit?
  7. Tuffnail

    Episode 206 - Little Italy

    Toronto: the only city that a movie can be set in, without referring to it by name </3