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Gary Goltz

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Posts posted by Gary Goltz

  1. Conan and Howard are two of my very favorite people that I wish I could be friends with.  I did have one encounter with Conan when I submitted a Fan Correction involving Jack Black.  We shot it in one quick take and I was confident he would use it.  I portrayed myself as the mean macho Sensei from the Karate Kid.  I knew Conan would love me as his straight man.  It worked so well he actually called me an 'ASSHOLE' on national TV!  That was like getting an Academy Award for understanding Conan's humor (he wrote the the funniest Simpson's episode, the College one).  Anyhow, it would only stand to reason that Howard would name Conan, as his best interview.  Wish I could spend a few hours with them.  Seems like we have much in common.


    Conan Fan Correction 8-12 5.5.jpg
