This movie is out of its mind from the first scene til the last. The special effects are often so atrocious it almost feels like a parody, but occasionally they're surprisingly good. The audio of every non-white actor seems to have been scrubbed and dubbed in post. Oh, and they've clearly tried to edit the scenes where they speak to try and match their mouth to the dubbed audio and have very obviously mixed success, which in combination with film techniques straight out of Power Rangers makes certain scenes that were clearly meant to be serious turn hilarious, like the one near the beginning with the alien grandma or mom or whatever the hell she is talking about how she saw the seven seeds flying off while she looks like the Tin Man railed a Gundam without protection.
Then there's the police chase. The space police chase. The chase, by the Space Police. Insanity.
And immediately after that is the retiring general turned PIMP, Garuda, in a space pimp costume the literal minute he retires, who tells classy ex-wife jokes.
I can definitely see the gang lovehating this movie. It has some real charm to it, it feels like they really wanted it to be great, but maybe tried too hard? Certainly it's two movies spliced together or something. Check it out, I just watched it free on Amazon Prime right now and literally let my dinner get cold because I couldn't stop watching this train wreck of Japanese science fantasy that bizarrely stars white people who can't dance OR act.