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Everything posted by kerbandersnatch

  1. Gather round as I tell you the tale of the Worst Rotten Tomatoes rated Highlander film starring not film lead, Christopher Lambert but TV series lead Adrian Paul. This film takes place 10 years after the series ended, in a post-apocalyptic world that sometimes appears to forget it is post-apocalyptic at all, I imagine due to SyFy channel level budgets. Truly jaw-dropping highlights include: a film obsessed with fast-forwarding and rewinding as a stylistic choice; an almost parody rehash of the main villain from Highlander 1 ; truly discombobulating editing, pacing, special effects, and acting choices likely due to: Highlander being sold back from Mirimax mid-production; Adrien Paul refusing to reprise his role; producers then begging Christopher Lambert to take over for Paul mid-production despite his character having been killed off and that not making any sense; Lambert demanding too much money, and finally producers returning on their knees to grovel before Paul again, offering him a producer's credit and more pay to return to this decapitated head of a film. Here we are, born to watch this last nail in the coffin for the Highlander franchise, the first in a Syfy trilogy that never happened, that resembles a youtube video edited together in 2007 as the worst polished turd of any major action franchise.