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Status Updates posted by dookiebd

  1. "Nag Champa" - Really good smelling incense or award-winning wife?

  2. How dare the Obama administration force citizens to buy health insurance, as opposed to the governments of all 50 states that force citizens pay for CAR INSURANCE and fine them if they are caught without it.

  3. Why is it ok that there are laws forcing us to wear seat belts, and laws that tell us what we are allowed to put in our body, and many other laws that take away our personal freedom, but the moment there's a law passed and upheld as constitutional by the checks and balances department known as the supreme court, people freak out?

  4. So, the supreme court upheld the health care reform bill.. its upsetting that it even had to go that far.. I mean, it will guarantee health coverage for patients with pre-existing conditions, which insurance companies before have been quick to deny. It will guarantee health coverage for college students until they are 26, under the health plan their parents have. And most importantly, it will extend health insurance coverage to an additional 30 million now uninsured people and thereby reduc...

  5. ::mock surprise:: oh you mean bath salts weren't to blame for the cannibal guy in FL?

  6. That awkward moment when a guy covered in swatstikas says "morning brotha" as you pass by.

  7. whilst picking out a wedding ring for me, and perusing online, i'll see one that i like, and every time i click that one, it's only like $18!! wth?

  8. So, at the gas station this morning, there was a crazy lady who was screaming that her son was trapped in a propane tank. Yay.

  9. Catching Maggie up on "the walking dead" and I notice that there's a part where Daryl pulls out Merle's stash of drugs and there's what looks like some of breaking bad's blue meth?? Can anyone confirm that?

  10. someone needs to loop the whistling part of "sitting on the dock of the bay" over the whistling rhythm of of the scorpions' "winds of change"

  11. EGADS, the venus eclipse is happening at pi o'clock!

  12. Don't forget to see Venus cross the sun today.. you won't get a chance again.

  13. of all the flavors in the first box of gummies i've had in at least 10 years, the first one i blindly eat is black licorice flavored.. :(

  14. I sprained my neck by yawning... yup, I'm old.

  15. The song that keeps playing during the first 30 minutes of the hunger games sounds like a really slowed down version of "I want my mtv"

  16. the saddest place in the universe is craigslist's lost pets page :(

  17. Aww, sketchers has to pay $40 mil because their "shape ups" shoes didn't do as claimed?:: mock shock::

  18. I just came up with a new Facebook game: Dances With Words With Friends
