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Posts posted by twentydollarbill

  1. Hilarious episode. The part on Katy Perry was hilarious because I work part time for this event company and did floor security for her "teenage dream" tour stop in Denver. I am a very straight man who does not enjoy shitty pop music but for some reason I love Katy Perry and her concert was actually pretty good, tons of production. Back to the ep though. The people at this concert were girls ranging from 6-17 primarily and some parents thrown in there and then an entirely different demographic of people and this was the homosexual crowd which loved it as much as i did. Highlights of the night were the dad who pushed his own daughter back a row so he could sing along with "firework", the mother who "tipped" me $20 so she could take her 4 year old up to the 5th row and take an awkward picture of the child and katy perry in the background and then finally some song ive acutally never heard but she started pulling kids up on stage from all around the place and then to top it off a 6'5" drag queen pulled himself up on stage and held hands with all the kids while the danced in a circle around Katy Perry. Great night

  2. This may make me lose all credibility but I absolutely loved this movie! I also am a huge fan of terrible slasher movies but other than the ridiculous intro to the movie this didn't have a have bad story and with everything considered, it was a great addition to the Scream movies. I did laugh my ass off too during some of the kill scenes but still loved this awesome movie. Arquettes for life!

  3. With such a highly toted horror film director you may believe that this movie might actually be worth a shit, but in actuality it was one of the worst movies I have ever come across. Not only was it bad but also fairly confusing and cicular making it an even more bigger piece of shit. The main character "Bug" is a nurotic troubled teen who is some how spun into the role of hero and as I could come to understand it he was some kind of angel type thing as well, but then again I have no idea. The Ripper, who is the bad guy, is basically a demon or the devil or something and takes over one of the kids bodies who were all born on the same day the original guy who was possessed was killed who was also Bug's dad but also the bitchy girl character. She is a total bitch to Bug and you think she is going to have an actual important part in this movie but she becomes kind of a pussy and shit doesn't really pan out for her. Or for anyone really, including the blind black kid who also has some sort of religious-ness to him as well. To describe this movie in 3 general terms, 1. Fear Ye, The Ripper! 2. Brandon is an asswipe and 3. Brandon is kinda rape-y. Like frat douche rape-y.
    Some of my favorite movie quotes off of IMDB:

    "Bug: Now we're all gonna die and it's my fault."

    "Bug: Do you think I'm a monkey, Alex?
    Alex: Have you killed people, Bug?
    Bug: Not that I can remember.
    Alex: Well I can't remember buying you bananas, either. "

    "Brittany: How 'bout I have my dog bite it off and bury it in my backyard?
    Brandon: How big is your backyard?"

    Overall a great How Did this Get Made? movie and a must watch for any fan of terrible movies and good laughs. Love the show guys
