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Posts posted by sissylion

  1. Shakespeare used it, too; "Be not a niggard of your speech." (Macbeth, Act IV, scene iii, l. 180)


    But the thing is, words change. There are hundreds of words that Shakespeare used that now mean different things, just like how reading Chaucer can be difficult if you don't know the original context of the language he wrote with. The fact that language evolves is the beauty of it, and in that change comes new terms entirely, "nigger" being one of them.


    That word's introduction retroactively taints similar words before it. Is it unfortunate? Yeah, sure, but to ignore modern context of language and risk offending people just because you want to say a specific word is a pretty gross thing to do.

  2. do racists actually use that word? I doubt it. Let's just hand racists a bunch of words they don't even use, and get mad at a bunch of non-racists for using them. this episode is garbage.


    There are literally dozens of other words that mean the same thing. There is precisely one reason to use "niggardly" as opposed to its bevy of synonyms, and that reason is racism, yo.

  3. I'm pretty sure Howard gave Kulap that Bieber toothbrush as a gift; it was in one of the Who Charted episodes.


    Sean Conroy also talks about getting one in one of the early episodes of I4H. Come on, Earwolf, get that Bieber sponsorship money.

  4. While the first two movies are better in practically every way, I don't think I've enjoyed any part of a superhero movie as much as I did the club scene from Spider-Man 3. Peter Parker whips his coat back so hard it creates a gust of wind that blows Gwen Stacy's hair out of place, and then he says, "Now dig on this."


    It's the greatest thing I've ever seen.

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