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Everything posted by jakefogelnest

  1. Didn't come off snarky. My "heh" was snarky as if to say, "Oh, I know the story."
  2. Oh hi, DEATHMAN. I can see how you'd feel that way, but Tommy and Greg are still friends! I hosted his book release at the New Beverly out here and Tommy showed up to the delight of the crowd. He supports the book. The only thing Tommy was upset about is that Greg said he dyes his hair. According to Tommy, "for your information, I do naht dye my hair and you need to change that." He also disagrees with Greg's opinion that "The Room" is a bad film. Other than that, Tommy doesn't seem to be upset by what Greg has written. The book is about Tommy and Greg's friendship which is very real and at times bizarre. Greg's story with Tommy is just as bewildering as "The Room" itself. Having met all of the cast and talked with them, it seems like everyone knew the movie was going to be a "disaster." What's interesting to me is that everyone went along with it because at the end of the day, they wanted to be in a movie. It's an endlessly fascinating story and Tommy is truly a unique spirit on this planet. I can totally see Greg's book coming across exploitative to some and if Tommy was completely out of Greg's life it could be very easily dismissed as a mean spirited "tell-all." But the reality is, Tommy is still in Greg's life today. The few things Tommy takes issue with in the book are just as bewildering as everything else in the life of Tommy Wiseau.
  3. jakefogelnest

    Submit clips here!

    A few of these things just made me audibly scream "OH MY GOD" out loud in my hotel room. Holy shit.
  4. You will hear from Rev. Bruce Howard on the next episode. As for SQUiRT TV stuff... working on getting that together!
  5. You didn't sound like an a-hole at all, but wow thank you for being VERY nice!
  6. June was on a live one and she was great!
  7. And Tom just got a gig and had to postpone! Stay tuned for revised lineup, but tickets are already selling, so get them quick! Tom, Julie and I are doing a WFMU Radiovision panel on October 19th together though! radiovision.wfmu.org
  8. Tommy has told me INSANE Vince McMahon stories. Totally will have him on sometime.
  9. Okay. October 10th, New York City. The Bell House. Dave Hill Julie Klausner and Tom Scharpling. SEE YOU THERE. TICKETS!
  10. To not talk about it would've been irresponsible. To grill him further would've been a different kind of conversation than belongs on this show. If I ever get the chance to talk to Cherie, I would love to hear her story.
  11. Yup! I expect to see this exact review in The AV Club except it will be worse and in THE REST.
  12. His appearance on "The Tomorrow Show" is one of my favorite things that's ever happened on television. There's a great DVD of punk rock/New Wave moments with Tom Snyder.
  13. I'm sure there's going to be some people looking for The Quick's "Mondo Deco" album. Radio Heartbeat Records did a vinyl reissue a few years back, but as anyone who listens to The Best Show knows, perhaps you might not want to risk ordering it!! So sorry, no official digital release of the album. Click the link, dummy.
  14. Dying to know what people think of THIS one.
  15. jakefogelnest

    Submit clips here!

    Hey everyone, I just want to say I see all these videos and totally use stuff from here! So please let this thread go on FOREVER!!!
  16. jakefogelnest

    Episode 52 — sup /b/

    I just checked your registration and your e-mail address is one_tool_fan@yahoo.com, your argument is invalid.
  17. jakefogelnest

    Episode 53 — Best Of Year One

    Thank you for all the kind words everyone! It was REALLY hard to leave off Noah talking about "Bread and Butter." It just keeps coming back through the episode - it really should be enjoyed in its entirety! Noah Garfinkel is just so damn funny.
  18. jakefogelnest

    Episode 52 — sup /b/

    ‌ ‌ ▲ ▲‌ ▲
  19. jakefogelnest

    Episode 52 — sup /b/

  20. jakefogelnest

    Episode 52 — sup /b/

    Cole's book is great. Highly recommended.
  21. jakefogelnest

    Episode 52 — sup /b/

    milhouse is not a meme