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Everything posted by mark_steward

  1. mark_steward

    Episode 19 — The Wicker Man

    I think some of the incomprehensible plot points can be explained by them taking ideas from the 1973 original that don't really work outside of the context of that film. A good example would be the need to specifically lure cops to the community for sacrifice. In the original, set in the UK, the pagan islanders specifically want an adult virgin with "the power of the king/queen". They set out to lure a specific policeman from the mainland, who is a devoutly religious virgin, because he represents (in English parlance) The Queen's/King's Peace. The pagan/christian conflict that lies at the heart of the film makes much more sense in the UK, which still has small pagan communities. It actually culminates in the villagers singing a traditional Old English folk song while the policeman recites bible verses, directly referencing the conflict between ancient and modern faith. I've only seen bits of the remake, but I'm curious if the film focuses at all on the protagonist's faith? The Christian values of the policeman in the original film are very heavily emphasised. I'm not opposed to remakes and I'm sure you could make the premise work in an American setting but I think the creators of this film needed to create a uniquely American setting for it to work rather than just importing a very specifically British setting.